
Youtube: New Feature Will Indicate A Live Streaming Channel

Youtube New Feature, Shows Who is Streaming Live

Popular online video sharing and social media platform Youtube introduces a new feature for the viewers. This feature is about a new indicator that shows the viewers if a channel is live streaming or not. Viewers will see the red ring with a word written ‘Live’ when a channel comes to stream live on Youtube. Viewers can see the ring around the profile picture of that channel. And if any viewer wants to join then he or she just have to tap on the profile picture. The benefit of this feature is that while scrolling the viewers can directly see if any channel is performing live. The red coloured ‘Live’ word will be clearly visible beside the video title.

This feature was introduced by Chief Product Officer Neal Mohan on Twitter. He announced

Really focused making it easier for users to find livestreams on @YouTube so we’re rolling out the Live rings feature on mobile! @YouTubeCreators streaming live will now have a ring around the channel avatar & clicking on the avatar will take you directly to the livestream

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Youtube’s New Feature Feels Familiar

Don’t you think this feature is already familiar to use? If you are feeling the same then it is because it has been used by the different social media platforms already. Tik-tok also shows the ring effect with pulsations if the channel is live. Instagram also provide the same facility to its users to see if any channel is performing live.

One more feature that was also quickly copied by other platforms was Liking Stories. Snapchat was the one that introduced this feature. Then, it got quickly cloned by other companies.

Recently Youtube has also shared its Roadmap for 2022. With this announcement, Youtube Shares that they are trying to make a new feature that will allow the streamers to perform live by collaborating with each other. This way the YouTubers can create more entertaining and engaging streams for their audiences.

By declaring this Neal Mohan wrote:

The ability to “go live together” should hopefully open up streams to more casual conversation and interactions with other creators, making it easier and more fun to go live”.

Rishabh Sharma

Rishabh is an experienced content writer and editor, he is working for Viralbake to cover a diversified range of categories. His articles mainly focus on providing information, being a travel guide, educating others, and also making people aware of technology, after all, he is a technophile. When not writing he can be found gaming, watching movies, and travelling.

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