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YouTube India’s “Nice Resignation Letter”, Internet Approves

If you are an active social media user then you must have encountered many honest resignation letters going viral like crazy. Now, the latest one to join the viral resignation letter row is YouTube India. Yes, the company has posted a very crispy, short and nice resignation letter and of course, the Internet is approving the idea.

YouTube India's "Nice Resignation Letter", Internet Approves

Youtube India’s Resignation Letter

YouTube shared the resignation letter from its official Twitter handle that says, “To whomsoever it may concern, chaliye khatam karte hain (Let’s finish this now).” with the caption, “Nice resignation letter.”

Look yourself:

This post triggered the hidden hilariousness in the minds of users. They started posting amusing reactions and YouTube India even responded to some of them.

“Aap resign mat karo (Please don’t resign)”, a user commented and YouTube India replied, “Never”.

Another netizen also commented, “Chaliye so jaate hain (Let’s just go to sleep)” to which YouTube reacted, “big time mood”.

See other reactions as well:

Also read:

A ‘Short And Sweet’ Resignation Letter Is Going Viral On Twitter

And also Bajaj Capital tweeted an honest resignation letter which said, “Dear sir, meri neend, mera chain mujhe lauta do, warna mera ho gaya. Yours sincerely (Dear sir, please return my sleep and my peace, otherwise I am done. Yours sincerely).” to which YouTube India’s reply was, “ye bhi theek h (that’s fine too)”.

Rishabh Sharma

Rishabh is an experienced content writer and editor, he is working for Viralbake to cover a diversified range of categories. His articles mainly focus on providing information, being a travel guide, educating others, and also making people aware of technology, after all, he is a technophile. When not writing he can be found gaming, watching movies, and travelling.

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