
Your WhatsApp Account Can Be Banned If You Do These Things

WhatsApp Ban

I hope you have already heard the news that a few months ago WhatsApp banned over 1.32 crore Indian users without noticing their messages.

WhatsApp is the most excellent communication tool compatible with all the platforms including Android, IOS, Windows & Web. But this tool of convenient communication is now being misused by many people. It has now become the platform to abuse, people send waves of messages that carry misinformation, scams, hate and explicit content.

WhatsApp Ban

IT Rule 2021

As per the IT rule 2021, Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code, every social media platform is required to send a monthly report which will contain the measures taken by the company to control abuse for that month.

But How WhatsApp Bans You, If It Can’t See Your Messages Due To End-To-End Encryption

But How WhatsApp Bans You, If It Can’t See Your Messages Due To End-To-End Encryption

WhatsApp has explained itself on how they manage to detect bad accounts if they can’t see your messages.

Our systems can detect if a similar phone number has been recently abused or if the computer network used for registration has been associated with suspicious behaviour. As a result, we’re able to detect and ban many accounts before they register — preventing them from sending a single message.”

If any user gets past the first level of security then WhatsApp detects the user’s behaviour.

“Normal users operate relatively slowly on WhatsApp, tapping messages one at a time or occasionally forwarding content. The intensity of user activity can provide a signal that accounts are abusing WhatsApp.”

Further Added, “For example, an account that registered five minutes before attempting to send 100 messages in 15 seconds is almost certain to be engaged in abuse, as is an account that attempts to quickly create dozens of groups or add thousands of users to a series of existing groups.”

Takes every users’ feedback or complaints very seriously.

It explained, “When a user sends a report, our machine learning systems review and categorize the reports so we can better understand the motivation of the account, such as whether they are trying to sell a product or seed misinformation.”

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Take A Look At Summarized ‘Not To Do List’ To Prevent A Ban From WhatsApp

  • Do not create multiple broadcast lists or groups to send spam messages.
  • If a user is banned by others multiple times in a single day, then it is possible that instant messaging platform can deactivate your account.
  • Misinformation or hateful messages are not allowed.
  • Don’t send phishing links or malware in the form of apk files to others.
  • The most common reason for which the users are getting banned is using the modified versions of WhatsApp. For example, GB WhatsApp, WhatsApp Plus, FM WhatsApp and many more are not allowed.
  • If other users report about you multiple times then also you can get ban.

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Rishabh Sharma

Rishabh is an experienced content writer and editor, he is working for Viralbake to cover a diversified range of categories. His articles mainly focus on providing information, being a travel guide, educating others, and also making people aware of technology, after all, he is a technophile. When not writing he can be found gaming, watching movies, and travelling.

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