
World Mental Health Day 2022: 7 Everyday Rituals, a Path to Rejuvenation

Do you find it hard to drag yourself out of bed every day?

If yes, then you are not alone. There are thousands of people across the world who are suffering from bad mental health including the writer of this article. So, it is alarming that we should take a step forward to do something about it.

To deal with the situation, I looked up on the internet and found these 7 practices which are supposed to rejuvenate your mind, body and soul. Let us have a look at these simple things which are not that out of the box.

1. Express Gratitude

Gratitude is a feeling of thankfulness for someone or something who did something for you. It is important to practise gratitude until it comes naturally to you. It is a great source of mental peace and you will be able to calm yourself with its help.

2. Exercise

When I say exercise, I am not talking about a high-intensity workout. You can even do a light yoga session or a small workout inside your house. Exercising is supposed to help your brain release endorphins which is a feel-good hormone that makes you feel happier.

3. Daily Goals

It is important to our mental health for us to feel accomplished. For this, it is important that you write down your goals and intentions on a paper, fulfil them in the given time and cross it out from the paper.

4. Healthy Diet

A diet is a major part of our lifestyle and as we have heard multiple times, we become what we eat, so it is important to take care of it. Start eating a diet full of fruits, vegetables and other important nutrients. Also, cut off alcohol, cigarettes and any other harmful toxins you take inside.

5. Quality Time

It is important to spend quality time with your family, friends, loved ones and yourself. By quality time I mean doing meaningful things with people you love which should undoubtedly and without fail include you too.

6. Forgiveness

It is important to learn the art of forgiveness because without that, you won’t be able to free yourself of the baggage from the past. And it is impossible to have a happy present without letting go of the bad past.

7. Sleep on Time

The last one is to sleep on time and I do not think it is anything out of the ordinary. We all know we should get a good 8 hours of sleep while waking up on time to have a good morning too. To get this done, it is important to sleep on time too.

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Words help me express the unsaid and we have come a long way while walking hand in hand like that so now I write about anything and everything that ignites the spark of inspiration in me.

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