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World Emoji Day Comes With A Bag Full Of New Emojis

Emojis have a whole new world of language in them. Most people love using it with every line they type, while some stick to the use of Emojis over words.

And why not, they give out the expressions you have on your face and its better when it comes to portray your feelings about anything.

Today is World Emoji Day

world emoji day

Emojis are special and today is the day when you should thank them for making your chats more entertaining and fun. However, on this World Emoji Day Apple has declared that new Emojis are on way.

Later this year, new emojis will join the existing ones. As per Apple, the Emoji 12.0 package was finalized by the Unicode Consortium in February. Just so you know, the new ones will also have a vast range of combinations available to choose from.

The new additions would have disability-themed emojis too that would include – guide dog, an ear with a hearing aid, wheelchairs, a prosthetic arm, a prosthetic leg etc.

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New Emojis related to animals and activity

world emoji day

The new Emojis would also focus on activities that we do or talk about. For example, there will be Emojis for playing banjo, flying a kite, a parachute and even a yawning Emoji which was much needed if you ask me.

There will also be Emojis for swimsuit and high visibility jacket. Emojis for food items like – waffles, falafel, butter, garlic and animal representations, like an orangutan, a flamingo, skunk and sloth are also in the list.

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Is there something special for Indians?

world emoji day

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Absolutely. How can Apple forget Indians and the vast usage they do of Apple products. As a result, they had to include some Emojis that specifically shout out India. So, the new list would have a Hindu temple as well as the sari Emoji in it.

A total of 59 Emojis will be rolled out soon and you can update the software to access and use them. Moreover, these Emojis were submitted by Girish Dalvi of the IIT Mumbai and Mayank Chaturvedi of the Rajya Marathi Vikas Sanstha. Currently, Apple, Google, Facebook, Adobe, Huawei, IBM, Microsoft, Netflix, Oracle, SAP and Shopify are some of the existing consortium members.

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In Conclusion:

Emojis have become an integral part of the texting and chatting community. Any chat is incomplete without the use of these lively Emojis. What about you, are you excited to see more Emojis being added to the list or you don’t use them frequently?

Let us know in the comment section,which one is your favorite?

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