
World Alzheimer’s Day 2021: Symptoms, Tips To Care And Everything You Must Know

Believe it or not but the Covid-19 pandemic has changed our lives. It has also posed a set of severe diseases. Experts say that Alzheimer’s patients are generally more at risk of anger, paranoia, depression, confusion, etc. Therefore, it is important to provide personal care and assistance at every stage. The treatment for Alzheimer’s has been affected massively due to the unprecedented changes of the pandemic. Thus, we have discussed Alzheimer’s and its care on the occasion of the “World Alzheimer’s Day 2021”.

Source: CDC

Dr Sahil Kohli, Consultant, Neurology, Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Gurugram says, “The rate at which the disease progresses is different for everyone, but on average, people with Alzheimer’s live for eight years after symptoms begin.”

Alzheimer: Common Symptoms

Alzheimer’s is a brain disease that causes a slow decline in thinking, memory, and reasoning skills. However, few common symptoms and warning signs of Alzheimer’s include:

Source: Everyday Health

  • Memory loss
  • Challenges in solving problems
  • Difficult to complete daily tasks
  • Lose track of time, seasons, or dates
  • Vision problems
  • Trouble joining a conversation
  • Putting things at unusual places
  • Poor judgment
  • Withdrawal from social activities, hobbies, etc.

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Alzheimer’s And Dementia Care? Follow These Tips

If you are the one who is taking care of Alzheimer’s patients, your role in managing daily tasks will increase as the disease progresses. Here are the tips that can help you in managing the tasks effectively.

Reduce Frustrations

A person with Alzheimer’s or any similar Dementia might become frantic when a simple task seems to be difficult. In order to ease frustration and limit challenges, you should develop a daily routine, take your time, provide choices, provide simple instructions, limit napping, and reduce distractions.

Source: Happier Human

Be Flexible

With time, a person with dementia becomes more dependants. Therefore, to reduce frustration, be flexible, adapt expectations, and your routine.

Develop a Safe Environment

Dementia reduces problem-solving and judgment skills and increases the risk of injury to the patient. To promote safety, install locks on the cabinet, install handrails where needed, and check the water temperature.

Source: Home Care Assistance Oakville

Concentrate on Individualized Care

In addition to self-care, the support of family and friends can also help you deal with the frustration and challenges ahead.

A person with Alzheimer’s disease may experience the progression and symptoms differently. Tailor these tips to the member who needs them.

Singh Vivek

With over 5 years of writing obituaries for a different organisation, I have a uniquely wry voice that shines through in my newest collection of articles.

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