Viral News

Viral Video: In An Incident In Gurgaon Mall Middle Aged Woman Tells Indian Men To Rape Young Women

Women wearing short dress has always been a problem in our society. Don’t know the exact reason why our society has any problem. But we do know the reason they give to justify their words.

It’s not in our culture, by wearing a short dress, women encourage men’s to rape them. These are not my words, these are the excuses that our society give to justify their views towards women.

Talking about the same topic, a recent viral video showed a group of women confronting a middle-aged lady at a mall in Gurgaon. After she allegedly asked men at the restaurant to rape them. Just because one of them was wearing a short dress.

What exactly happened?

Viral video

India is not as same as it was 10 years back. Everyone has changed and most of them changed for good. But still, there are few, who don’t want to change and condemn everything that others are trying to do to live a happy life.

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Interrupting other people’s view and way of living is always part of our society (part of the people’s life who don’t want to change). Addressing this unnecessary poking, a video has gone viral on Facebook.

In which a group of young women confronting a middle-aged lady, who allegedly asked seven men’s in a restaurant to rape the group of young women as one of them was wearing a short dress.

The Viral video

In this 9 min long viral video, all the young women were asking the middle-aged women to apologize. But the accused was trying to walk away and didn’t apologize.

The video was uploaded by a Facebook user Shivani Gupta, her friend was the one who was wearing the short skirt. The group of women can be seen talking to the lady in a very formal and civil way, just asking her to apologize.

The younger women did threaten the lady to call the police, saying they have the CCTV footage of the incident at the restaurant. But neither the lady apologized, nor Gurgaon police received a complaint.

If you haven’t seen the video, watch it here:

ViralBake Telegram

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Was it okay, to say such bold words?

Although the middle-aged lady looked educated, what she has done, proved her backward thinking. The worst thing is that she is a lady herself and asking men’s to rape other woman is no way civil. People like this lady are encouraging all the incidents that we read in the news. Telling that it’s okay to rape a woman if they go out wearing short dresses.

The government should also punish people who use such bold words, encouraging the wrong deeds. Because even if they haven’t done anything by themselves, but they are encouraging the sick souls to commit wrong.

Tell us what you think about it?

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