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Being Abusive Won’t Gain Women The Power Of Existence! It’s The Ethics And Attitude That Matters

No one knows where our world is heading. Everyone seems to live in his own world.

Some use power, some use wealth and it’s a shame that even gender is used to overcome a minor hiccup in the day to day lives.

Why do we say so?

woman abuses traffic police

We came across this appalling video that is going viral on the internet. In the video, a woman can be seen horribly abusing the traffic police. She is seen even threatening them not to issue a challan against her.

What was the hullabaloo about?

Apparently, she was breaking the traffic rules by not wearing a helmet and even drove on the wrong side. Instead of admitting her mistake, she hurled abuses at the police constables who signaled her to stop.

woman abuses traffic police

Despite her shrieking abuses, the traffic staff was behaving politely in response. But her misdemeanor towards the traffic rules and police clearly indicated that she was taking advantage of being a lady surround by men.

Also Read: Living Proof Of Our 2-Faced Society

Check out the video here-

Is this the meaning of women empowerment?

Instead of correcting her own mistake, she raised her voice and displayed unnecessary rudeness. Only because she knew that those men constables won’t be able to do anything since she was a woman. Keeping your tone high above all else, just because you are a woman is definitely not women empowerment.

This is what it actually means:

Women empowerment means to bring a positive change in the society, to support women who are really victimized and bring them to the level of equality.

Real intellectual women and even a lot of men are working constantly towards empowering women. Women empowerment in no way symbolizes twisting things to their own advantage. But there are people who try to take advantage of such movements and serve their own purposes.

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The sad reality:

woman abuses traffic police

It brings an utter disappointment to see an educated, law-abiding woman citizen behaving with the law enforcement in such an uncivilized manner. The heinous things some women are up to in the name of women empowerment is nothing but murdering the real essence of women-hood.

The women in the video is actually the biggest example.

woman abuses traffic police

Maybe she thought her biggest achievement was to talk trash and get out of there untouched for breaking the law. But she probably does not have an idea how disgraceful it looks. Talking about women empowerment on one hand and degrading the whole feminine community by behaving like a maniac on the other, is something very annoying.

Such behavior from anyone, would not fetch respect. In fact, even the feminine community will probably chastise her for displaying such poor example in the name of women empowerment.

And why not? If you think that women are superior to society, then don’t indulge yourself into something that would contradict your own philosophies towards feminism and women empowerment.

If you believe that you are equally entitled to the honor and privilege, then it’s your responsibility to act in a manner that makes you really entitled. It has nothing to do with gender, but behavior.

What do you think about the woman in the video? Do share with us!



I am a hip-hop music lover and I am passionate about writing rhymes. I prefer listening to music over movies any day. I do possess expert knowledge on content & influencer marketing and have helped some popular brands. I spend me time with memes (reading and creating both).

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