Food & DrinksHealth

5 Health Benefits Why Steamed Food Is The Healthiest

Here are several arguments in favour of trying steam cooking.

1. Preserves The Minerals And Vitamins

Preserves The Minerals And Vitamins

The nutritious value of the meal is very little preserved by using traditional cooking techniques like boiling or frying. Vegetables’ vital vitamins and minerals are preserved throughout the steaming process. Certain vitamins, such as Vitamin B, thiamine, niacin, and Vitamin C, are strengthened even more by steaming. Additionally, several minerals including zinc, phosphorus, calcium, and potassium are unaltered.

2. Requires No Oil To Be Used

2. Requires No Oil To Be Used

The cooking technique of steaming, as the name implies, cooks food without the need for oil, which is a necessity for frying. Anyone looking to lose weight will benefit from the fact that food cooked by steaming has lower fat content than food cooked in oil.

3. Facilitates Digestion Of The Meal

Facilitates Digestion Of The Meal

The softening effect of steaming makes cooked fruits and vegetables readily digestible for your body. Your body may easily enjoy all the nutritious goodies this way.

The digestion of steamed food is simple.

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4. Easy-to-Clean


The main benefit of steaming is that many veggies may be cooked simultaneously without flavour transfer. Steamed cooking is similar to ordinary cooking in oil or water in that there are no sticky residues to remove or scour.

5. Reduces Cholesterol Levels

Reduces Cholesterol Levels

Using the steaming technique while cooking helps control cholesterol levels. This is true since no oil is used for cooking. Steam is the only tool used to make the dish. Since the steaming technique does not include the use of oil, ingesting additional fat or saturated oils, which raise blood pressure and cholesterol, is avoided.

You now have more than enough justifications to convert to this way of cooking. To get the most flavour out of your fruits and veggies, start steaming your meals.

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I Varsha Chhirolya having an experience in digital marketing of 5 years, I am an account manager in CREATIVE Ad Agency.

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