
Why Does IRCTC Not Allow Passengers To Do Seat Selection?

Indian Railway’s IRCTC is the heart of the transportation system in India, continually providing the most convenient services to the passengers of the country. Recently IRCTC has taken many major steps to hype up the transportation and travelling standards of the country. But there is a simple but very much noticeable question that arrives in the minds of most travellers. Why does IRCTC allow passengers to do the seat selection as per they like? Just like cinema halls & bus reservations, why can’t any railway traveller book his seat as per his own terms.

Why Does IRCTC Not Allow Passengers To Select Seats

Why Are Passengers Not Allowed To Do Seat Selection Themselves On Trains?

As per the report mentioned on Moneycontrol, the process of seat selection are different in cinema halls than on trains. The reason behind this distinct approach is not so very complicated, a simple scientific explanation can take you there. A major difference between a cinema hall and a train is being in the state of motion, the whole train is travelling from point A to point B, and all the coaches and engines are accelerating forward as compared to a cinema hall, that’s just a building with silver screen and comfortable seats built to be in a rest position for as long as it exists.

And since a train has to travel at different speeds, and sometimes has to make steep turns on curves, the IRCTC algorithm makes sure to balance the load equally in all the coaches of the train with its seat selection process.

Example To Understand IRCTC Berth Allotment Process

Let’s understand the IRCTC’s algorithm for the seat selection process for the passengers, assuming that the train has coaches named D1, D2, D3,….D10. Each coach will have 72,72 seats, now, if a person books a ticket for the first time then he or she will be allotted a seat in the middle coach of the train. And IRCTC makes sure to allot a lower birth to maintain the centre of gravity.

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So, the operating system makes sure the amount of passengers is divided equally among all the coaches on the train. The allotment process works by spreading the number of passengers first in the middle of the coaches and then near doors. Hence, the algorithm of IRCTC ensures a safe journey by maintaining the balance of the train throughout the journey.

Rishabh Sharma

Rishabh is an experienced content writer and editor, he is working for Viralbake to cover a diversified range of categories. His articles mainly focus on providing information, being a travel guide, educating others, and also making people aware of technology, after all, he is a technophile. When not writing he can be found gaming, watching movies, and travelling.

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