
WhatsApp Group Chats to stretch up to 1,024 People in a Single Go

WhatsApp and its users have felt the need for a larger group from time to time which leads the organization to increase its group’s capacity accordingly.

This capacity of a WhatsApp Group was capped at 256 people for the longest which was sufficient for a group of friends and classrooms. However, it didn’t help when it came to forming even larger groups.

That’s when WhatsApp raised its bar to 512 people so that people could create even larger groups. Although it happened very recently, the application is once again doubling it to make it 1,024 in one group.

WhatsApp Group Chats

Who can Create such groups?

Although this feature will be made available to all the users with time, it is available to certain selected users only. I tried upgrading my application to see if I can use this feature, but despite being the latest version, my application did not allow me to do the same.

WhatsApp Group Chats

Which Operating System does it support?

This feature will be available on both, Android and iOS devices which means every user will be able to use this feature once it is made open for everybody.


Although WhatsApp doubled its group capacity most recently, it is still looking forward to making it 1,024. You might feel like it is a lot of people but its competitor, Telegram already allows people to create groups with up to 2,00,000 people in it. Such groups are useful for broadcast purposes or in cases of informing people where you do not expect any kind of reply from them.

It is also expected that WhatsApp will introduce tools to manage these groups like a manual request approval system. However, until everything rolls out for each user, you might be able to explore this new feature if you are lucky enough.

Also Read:

New WhatsApp Update for Business Account Holders


Words help me express the unsaid and we have come a long way while walking hand in hand like that so now I write about anything and everything that ignites the spark of inspiration in me.

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