
WhatsApp Banning Indian Users: Avoid these 6 Things

One of the most popular communication mediums, WhatsApp has come up with its latest Monthly User Safety Report like every month which tells us that it banned 2,328,000 Indian users between 1 August, 2022 and 31 August, 2022.

WhatsApp does not derive pleasure from doing this but it is their responsibility to offer a safe platform to its users. Anyone doing things that puts a reverse gear on their motto is either blocked or banned.

If you wish to keep your account safe, you need to ensure a few things to stay in the good books of WhatsApp. To make it easier for you, I will mention 6 of these things in this article that you should be careful about:

1. Excessive Forwarding

WhatsApp limits the number of times you can forward a certain message so you can not do bulk forwarding. In case you try to fight this feature, your account will get highlighted and eventually blocked when WhatsApp feels the need to do it.

2. Bulk Messaging

Just like WhatsApp restricts you to forward a message in bulk, it also restricts you to share a fresh message to a huge number of readers. Do not try to share a message to multiple people at one time as it can also put your account at the risk of getting blocked.

3. Excessive Broadcasting

If you are in the habit of broadcasting to your list of friends on a regular basis and they do not want it, they might end up reporting your message. Recurring reporting will put WhatsApp in the position to take an action on your account and it could be anything.

4. Adding Users to Groups without Consent

Do not add people in your list or groups without permission as they can end up reporting you which will adversely affect your account’s credibility in WhatsApp’s view.

5. Messaging Unknown Accounts

Do not message an unknown account on WhatsApp as it can also lead to reporting and you know how WhatsApp looks at frequent reporting.

6. Disobeying WhatsApp Terms of Service

There is a set of rules mentioned under WhatsApp Terms of Service, and every user is required to follow these rules. If you don’t, then WhatsApp has the complete right to ban your account or take any action as they see fit. So, please read these terms and conditions carefully that I have linked above and act accordingly.

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ViralBake Telegram


Words help me express the unsaid and we have come a long way while walking hand in hand like that so now I write about anything and everything that ignites the spark of inspiration in me.

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