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4 Ways To Recycle Old Newspapers At Home

Newspaper is something that you can find lying in every house, bundled-up as not everyone knows what to do with them once the day’s news has been read.

Some of us might opt for the monthly ritual of seeling those old newspaper to the “bhangar wala,” for some extra money.

But do you know there are many other ways you can use those old newspapers in your house? Here are the 4 simple use of old newspaper that you can try at your home.

1. Cleaning Windows

cleaning windows

Cleaning windows with a cloth is not easy, it leaves residue behind. And the streaks, you can’t just get rid of streaks with a cloth. But what about trying the old ways? Try newspapers to clean your dirty windows (or glass), as it will not just clean your windows, it will absorb the remaining moisture as well. Simply means no streaks, no residue will leave behind and your windows will look clean and shiny.

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2. For The Base Of Shelves

book shelve

This is something that you must have seen your mom doing when you were kids. Using newspaper as the base of shelve is nothing new. People are using old newspaper to cover the base of their shelves for a very long time now. You can see them on the kitchen cabinet, dresser, pantry, bathroom shelves. They are cheap, you are recycling waste and most importantly they make your shelves look good.

3. For Your Pet’s Litter Box

Pet litter box

Newspapers are very good at absorbing liquids, Placing them under the litter box of your pet dog or cat will save you a lot of hassle and more hygienic. Place the sheets of newspaper at the bottom of your pet’s toilet (litter) box) and it’ll do the work. They are cheap, which means you can change them twice every day. Also, it’ll take care of the odours and wetness for you.

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4. Packing Material

Wrapping with newspaper

ViralBake Telegram

Bubble wraps are expensive, that’s why most of don’t use it very often. But that doesn’t mean we have to risk out items while shifting to a new house. As newspapers are very good at packing your fragile items. Take four layers of newspaper put some crumpled newspaper inside your item and then cover it with the newspaper. You can also make some crumpled balls of newspaper and put them with your item for extra care.

In Conclusion:

Not just this but there are many other ways you can recycle old newspapers. Be creative and you can use newspapers for art and craft. To make something beautiful that you can use to decorate your house. And if not for art and craft than you already know how to reuse the old newspapers at home.


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