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Watch, People In China Are Physically Forced To Take COVID Test

People in China are not so scared of COVID as much as they are from Lockdowns. Zero-COVID policy of China in the name of COVID prevention has only resulted in abuse, mistreatment and human rights violations.

The basis of several videos emerging and going viral on the Internet shows the cruel side of China’s COVID prevention teams. Locking the citizens into their houses by welding doors, shutting the entrances with metal bars and beating up the residents who are showing resistance, these are COVID rules of China.

Zero-COVID policy of China

Twitter Telling Truth

Several videos from Shanghai and other places are going viral on the Internet. Showing people are pinned down and physically forced to take the COVID test.

Watch Yourself:

As the video starts you can see a woman is pinned down and with a man on top of her trying to perform a Covid test forcibly. The place appears to be a COVID testing centre. Woman is seen screaming in the video & resisting, but the man is only focused on performing a test.

Then the man opened her mouth by force so that the other person in the hazmat suit could take the sample. Authenticity of the video is still a question.

This video has shocked every netizen, a user commented, “What a horror how they subjugate the poor people.” another said, “All this is tragic, absolutely unbearable.”

Mandatory COVID Test

Several users posted more videos of healthcare workers entering the houses and forcibly performing the COVID tests.

In the video below you can see an old aged woman is also forced by at least five healthcare workers who are restraining her hands and legs to take the COVID test. And a COVID team of six to seven people is entering an old man’s house to perform testing by restraining him on the ground.

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Video was first uploaded on the Weibo platform which is China’s version of Twitter and then went viral on other social media platforms.

The exact locations in the videos are still unknown but it has gone after at a time when the residents of Shanghai are facing strict lockdown rules at least for a month now.

Rishabh Sharma

Rishabh is an experienced content writer and editor, he is working for Viralbake to cover a diversified range of categories. His articles mainly focus on providing information, being a travel guide, educating others, and also making people aware of technology, after all, he is a technophile. When not writing he can be found gaming, watching movies, and travelling.

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