Food & Drinks

Viral Video: Drinking More Than 3 Liters Of Water Is Dangerous For Kidney-Heart

We have been told always the benefits of drinking an ample amount of water. Water not only keeps us hydrated, but the elements it includes also benefit health. A viral video says that drinking more than 3 liters of water is dangerous for the body.

Many health experts are advising people to drink three litres or more water in a day. But the viral video claims that over-hydration of the body due to water can harm health. Nutritionist Renu Rakheja has made this claim in a video on her Instagram account named conscious living tips.

Just after posting the video, over 33 lakh people have seen this video. Rakheja wrote in the caption, ‘Overhydration can cause electrolyte levels to drop n the body. Decreasing its level can lead to headache and muscle weakness.’

She additionally wrote that the electrolyte like sodium, potassium, and magnesium helps to regulate everything from heart to your kidneys. In case, if you drink too much water, there may not be enough to keep these electrolytes in the body and perform properly.

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Consuming an excess amount of water causes your cell to become oversaturated with water as they begin to re-balance your water-mineral ratio. It is stressful for the body and metabolism as well. It may also cause weight gain, brain fog, and headaches.

Experts say, “’Drinking too much water daily can make your cells oversaturated, as they try to rebalance the mineral ratio of the water.’ Rakheja has told many other disadvantages of over-hydration in this video. Over-hydration can increase the risk of brain fog, weight gain and headaches.”

Singh Vivek

With over 5 years of writing obituaries for a different organisation, I have a uniquely wry voice that shines through in my newest collection of articles.

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