Viral News

Viral Video: Being A Sloth And Smart At The Same Time

A video of a dad being sloth and smart at the same time is attracting millions online. His sports hack to retrieve the ball for his kid without moving from his place has gone uncontrollably viral online, even though many are inspired by the trick.

Being A Sloth And Smart At The Same Time

Viral Video, Dad’s Bowling Hack

Uploaded on Twitter, this video shows a dad managing to play cricket with his son while being lazy and not moving from his place. Well, I bet you will be amazed to see the actual trick.

When the video starts you will see two kids standing and the father sitting on a chair. One kid is eager to hit the ball while the father is setting the ball in the air for him. Well, he is literally using a fishing rod to retrieve the ball after attaching the hook to the ball. Each time the kid hits the ball, the father reeled it back with the fishing rod. Nobody can deny the fact of him being the cleverest father ever.

The video was posted by the Twitter account named ‘Coach D’, his bio says, he is a “University of Oregon Head Women’s Golf Coach / PGA Class A Teaching Professional.”

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Viral Video after being posted has garnered 14.5 million views and the numbers are still increasing.

Comments are also very interesting, “As an avid fisherman and dad of a former softball playing daughter, this is simply priceless. Why can I never think of this? Love mom’s snicker behind the camera! And younger bro’s encouragement is amazing! Makes me giggle too,” as user commented.”

“New home setup,” a user joked, “Real man of genius,” another typed, “Brilliant. Wonder how he attached the ball without it coming off the line,” a man wondered.

“That’s a great idea. Kid has one hell of a swing. He steps into the ball, good batting stance, good technique with his swing. Either Dad is a coach, or the kid plays little league. Either way, good job Dad,” another praised.

Rishabh Sharma

Rishabh is an experienced content writer and editor, he is working for Viralbake to cover a diversified range of categories. His articles mainly focus on providing information, being a travel guide, educating others, and also making people aware of technology, after all, he is a technophile. When not writing he can be found gaming, watching movies, and travelling.

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