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Users Share Everlasting Memes After Twitter Adds ‘Fleets’ Aka Instagram-Like ‘Stories’ Feature To Its App

Edit button kidhar hai? Ga**nd mai dal liye ho hai kya edit button?

This is not something we are saying. This is the reaction of people after Twitter annouced its news feature called “Fleets” for mobile users. Fleets, who have not seen it yet, is like Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp Stories that vanish after 24 hours.

The feature was first launched in Brazil and Italy and India is the third country to receive the same. However, netizens don’t feel very good about it as they came forward to ask Twitter where is the tweet “Edit” button that they have been asking for so long.

Well, it’s highly doubtful that Twitter will ever add an “edit” button, but we can always joke about it. So here are memes that users shared after discovering the new feature Fleets on Twitter.

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What do you think about the feature?

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