
Urfi Javed Being Bold On Instagram, See Images

Actress Urfi Javed

Famous actress Urfi Javed is all over Instagram, after her newly uploaded images. She has crossed all limits of boldness. Her outfits often recreate the WOW moments for the fans. And in her new post, she is seen doing the same, she was wearing an outfit that will shock all her fans.

Green Dress With Open Chain

Urfi has recently shared a video of herself, wearing a eye catching green outfit which has chains opened through the front while exposing her. Normal outfits do not suit Urfi, she is made for the dresses which no one does not even understand but enjoys watching her. Flaunting her figure in these exposed dresses is more her style.

Source- Instagram

Source- Instagram

Urfi Getting Trolled

Urfi Getting Trolled

Urif always gets trolled because of her exposing or weirdly designed outfit choices by netizens. Some viewers watch Urfi troll her and several like her because of her bold style. But this doesn’t bother her, she wears her type of outfit every day for her fans as some of them like her choices.

Source- Instagram

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Actress Made A Bold Statement

Source- Instagram

Urfi has recently spoken to the Times of India and successfully attracted more attention. During the conversation she said, people do not talk about her, they only want to discuss the types of outfits she wears.

She further said, if I only wanted publicity then I would have gone without clothes. She was upset that people only talked about her outfit choices and didn’t talk about herself. Actress pointed out that it was never about her outfits, people only comment lewdly whether she wears a salwar suit or bikini. And her outfit choices came from the places she has visited.

Rishabh Sharma

Rishabh is an experienced content writer and editor, he is working for Viralbake to cover a diversified range of categories. His articles mainly focus on providing information, being a travel guide, educating others, and also making people aware of technology, after all, he is a technophile. When not writing he can be found gaming, watching movies, and travelling.

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