
Here Is The Living Proof Of Our Two Faced Society

We all know this for a fact now. Don’t we?

Our society is two-faced. We claim to be non-judgmental and liberal and unprejudiced. But are we, really?

Any feminist will tell you otherwise. Women face the brunt of an opinionated society the most. Although it is quite right in most cases, and we totally agree, we are discussing a variant here for a change.

When it comes to judging, even Men are not spared from the evil judgmental scales of the society.


Let’s check these examples of how men and women are treated by our two faced society:

1. Truly loves his wife and always listens to her

Imagine you are this guy who truly loves his wife and listens to her more than his mother.

Label: You are most likely to be labeled as Joru Ka Gulam.

two faced society

Buying her flowers? must be buttering.

Whaaaa…takes HER decisions seriously, must be a spineless fool.

Now imagine being the She-epitome of obedience. You will be undoubtedly the sweetest girl in the community, well-cultured and well-brought up.

2. Head-strong and Free-spirited

You listen to everyone, but the final decisions are yours. You are head-strong and do what pleases you.

Label: Khadoos. Even Awkward in society or an arrogant bull.

two faced society

Oh, too open-minded? Hundred percent a Casanova.

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As a girl, you are expected to be level-headed and independent in this treacherous world.  More than ever before. They will call you self-sufficient and your parents feel proud of you when you behave strong and tough.

 3. Workaholic

You are a workaholic and spend most of your time in office. Never reach home on time, too busy to attend a child’s function.

Label: careless and greedy.

two faced society

Doesn’t come home meaning doesn’t love his family. Must be cheating on his wife.

As a workaholic woman, your appreciations will grow leaps and bounds, a woman of substance, achieving wonders, a supermom, and much more.

 4. A Writer of an Erotica Novel

Imagine being a male writer of an erotica novel, you definitely will have to do it under a pen name.

Label: You will be called Cheap, pervert and a dirty rotten scoundrel.

two faced society

And if they found out your real name, your own friends will condemn you.

The women erotica authors, on the other hand, are gaining much respect for being an inspiration, a feminist and in complete acceptance of her body and her sexuality.

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5. While talking to the stranger’s kids

Never make the mistake of talking to or playing with other’s kids in the park.

Labels: You may be named a kidnapper, a probable rapist or a pervert.

two faced society

The fact whether you truly are or not has nothing to do with it.

If you are a woman doing the same thing, you are friendly, with motherly instincts and caring. No one pays a heed to women being criminals too. Not you girl, talking in general.

6. Good at Shopping

Are you that man who is interested in shopping? Isn’t that wonderful? NO. We can’t digest it.

Labels: In some corners of our mind, you are gay or weird.

two faced society

Are you a girl? You have a kickass sense of shopping. Oh, What the hell?  You are a true fashionista.

7. Goes to a parlor, grooming conscious

So, you like getting a grooming session every now and then. And that’s when you notice the amusing stares you get from aunties? It is their constitutional right to slay your manhood right there.

Labels: Tsh tsk…girly habits, poor Mrs. Malhotra (Your supposed mom). Or is he gay?

two faced society

Need I mention the relationship between a woman and a parlor. Salon businesses rely on women, not men.

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8. When a guy proposes

Proposals have long been men’s forte, but not anymore. Times are changing and even women are no less in expressing their likings anymore.

But Dude, if you propose you know what is the first thing that crosses our mind.

two faced society

Labels: He might be thinking of an easy hookup.

Or Maybe he is looking for short-term hanky-panky. Can I trust him(especially if you are using tinder to reach out)? Men want only one thing (the famous dialogue from JWM).

And if you are a girl? Let me tell you, it brings a sheer joy to the man. Okay, maybe not always, but it does give them some self-satisfaction.

9. Interrogative

Two faced society

What is a man called for being too interrogative? Yes, you got that right, dude!

Labels: Possessive, needy and a Male Chauvinistic Pig. MCP in short.

And what is a woman called? Of course, she is caring. That’s her nature, right?

In Conclusion:

Women are the foundation of the society and they have a right to be treated well, even slightly better than men sometimes. But let’s not forget even men have a right to be understood and not judged. Equality means bringing both at a parallel level.
Let’s be feminists, but not feminize slayers ?


I am a hip-hop music lover and I am passionate about writing rhymes. I prefer listening to music over movies any day. I do possess expert knowledge on content & influencer marketing and have helped some popular brands. I spend me time with memes (reading and creating both).

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