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Two Arrested For Snatching Former Union Minister’s Phone

Former Union Minister’s Phone Snatched In Delhi

Vijay Goel who is a senior BJP leader and former Union Minister was in north Delhi when a suspects snatched his phone and ran away. A day after the incident Delhi Police arrested two men related to the case.

Officer said a 22 years old suspect named Sajan allegedly snatched the phone and sold it to another man named Mohammed Asif who is 23 years old. “We received a call from the PSO about the incident around 6.45 pm. The team examined over 100 CCTVs in the area to trace the accused. The man was later identified and picked up from the Jama Masjid area,” said DCP Sagar Singh Kalsi.

Former Union Minister’s Phone Snatched In Delhi

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What Happened?

Near Jama Masjid when Mr Vijay Goel was sitting in the car, a Policeman named Sajan snatched the Union Minister’s phone from his hand and quickly ran away. It is also seen clearly in the CCTV footage, Mr Goel was sitting and windows were rolled down. While he was talking to someone on the phone, a man came quickly from behind and snatched his phone. It is seen that the suspect was wearing a blue shirt and white cap while snatching the phone.

As per the Police statement, the accused named Sajan has confessed to the crime and told that he sold the phone to his friend for Rs.2200. A senior police officer said, “We arrested his friend Asif who works as a helper at a shop. The team recovered the stolen phone from his possession. He also confessed to the crime. We are checking their criminal history.

Rishabh Sharma

Rishabh is an experienced content writer and editor, he is working for Viralbake to cover a diversified range of categories. His articles mainly focus on providing information, being a travel guide, educating others, and also making people aware of technology, after all, he is a technophile. When not writing he can be found gaming, watching movies, and travelling.

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