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Triple Talaq Is Now A Criminal Offense, This Is What Muslim Communities Have To Say

‘Triple talaq’ the customary practice that allows Muslim men’s to instantly divorce his wife is no longer valid. As India’s parliament has approved a bill outlawing this centuries-old custom, making it a criminal offence as of now.

This has made the Muslim community to call out BJP government for interfering in a community matter. Following Tuesday’s the Hindu Nationalist party BJP with the help of allies, was able to get 99 votes in favour and 84 against, in the upper house.

Though some of the regional parties decided not to take part in the voting. But it doesn’t matter as the upper house has already voted and now the bill only required president signature to become a law.

How Muslim Communities Have Reacted?

Triple Talaq

Accusing the government to interfere with the community matter, the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) on Wednesday chose to call a meeting. It will consist of an 11-member legal committee and the meeting is set to hold next week. The main agenda of this meeting is to decide the next course of action over the Triple Talaq Bill.

These board members had already approached several regional political parties in the past. They had put forward their views related to this custom. It has made them blame the regional parties to help the BJP government to pass the Bill.

A senior advocate and the member of the board, Zafaryab Jilani, calls out three major flaws in the Bill. According to him, this bill has neglected the other forms of divorce Muslims have. The bill has overlooked the “khula,” which is another form of divorce custom initiated by women.

Sharing his views on this bill, Zafaryab Jilani said, “When the SC rendered the practice of instant triple talaq or talaq-e-biddat invalid, we felt it will help us, as we wanted the practice to go away too. But criminalising the breach of a civil contract is against our fundamental rights. A monetary compensation would have been better for the woman.”

In a way, this Bill can become a violation of Muslim men’s rights.


  • Upper house passed the Bill with 99 upvotes.
  • Triple talaq or talaq-e-biddat is a criminal offence now.
  • The Muslim community is accusing Hindu Nationalis Goverment to interfere in the community matter.

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