
Treat Yourself, Natural Home Remedies To Fight Constipation

What is Constipation?

Sometimes you might not know what you are dealing with. For this reason, we have to start from the basics, that is what constipation actually is. Constipation is the situation when you feel difficulty in passing stool or bowel movement becomes less frequent. Stool movement varies from person to person, but technically having less than three bowel movements a week can consider constipation. There are different patterns of stool movement for each person. If your bowel movement is acting far from your regular pattern, then you can feel it as a problem.

Three major symptoms of Constipation you might feel are:

  • Your Stool becomes dry and hard to pass.
  • Bowel movements become a painful process.
  • You will feel that you have not emptied your stomach fully.

Your exercise routines, eating habits, lifestyle changes, age, health conditions, and many other factors can be responsible for constipation. There are several causes of this problem, such as dehydration, not eating much fiber, stress, and many more. Fortunately, there are some home remedies that you can try at home without any help.

Three major symptoms of Constipation you might feel are:

Quick Treatments For constipation:

Increase Fiber Intake

There is a possibility that you are eating too little fiber, causing constipation. And if a low fiber diet is a cause, then you should take the help of fiber supplements or eat foods that are high in fiber. Common fiber supplements are readily available in the market, just conversate with your doctor. If you want to increase fiber in your diet, these food items can help you like: Beans, whole grains, apples, berries, and many more. You can also add oatmeal and almonds to your breakfast menu.

Water For Dehydration

Dehydration can be a cause of your current condition, and it makes the stool hard to pass. And it is possible that you don’t even know you are dehydrated until you want to find out. An individual should have at least 2 liters of water daily. However, it depends on the body to body, and some people can stay hydrated longer than others.

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Must Exercise

Exercise is the natural remedy for many health issues. In constipation, when the hard stool is not passed down so quickly, then exercise helps a lot. Hard stool does not pass down through the large intestine conveniently. When you exercise, it lowers the time your stool takes to pass down. Plus, the breathing and heart rates are also elevated by exercising.

Stool Softener

As dehydration can cause your stool to become dry, it becomes hard to pass it down. With the help of stool softeners, you can moisten your stool by pulling water from your intestines. This process allows your seat to pass easily without pain.

Never Hold Stool

Holding your stool on a regular basis can cause constipation. On rare occasions, we can understand if you are unable to go. But according to the expert holding your stool often is not a healthy idea. This happens because, after some time, that water that helps to lubricate your stool will be no longer there.

Rishabh Sharma

Rishabh is an experienced content writer and editor, he is working for Viralbake to cover a diversified range of categories. His articles mainly focus on providing information, being a travel guide, educating others, and also making people aware of technology, after all, he is a technophile. When not writing he can be found gaming, watching movies, and travelling.

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