How To Be Monsoon Ready? Here Are Some Secret Tips For You

Monsoon is here.

The skies are black and the rain is pouring. Weather couldn’t be better. But, with this season comes a lot of diseases and sickness spreading bacteria’s. As a result, if you are not careful, you might end up falling  sick.

How to be monsoon ready?

monsoon ready

According to a leading dermatologists, “No matter which season, you ought to drink loads of water. Drinking water throughout the day will keep your body feeling healthy and your skin looking fresh. Also, try consuming fruits and vegetables with high-water content. Staying hydrated will also help to prevent any headaches or infections which you might normally have during monsoon.”

You can also go for a rigorous oil massage followed by shampoo and conditioning for better results. Have a healthy diet and avoid eating street food as they are open doorways for stomach infections.

You hair turns frizzy in monsoon no matter how much you care for it. To avoid that, wash your hair at least three times a week and apply a lot of conditioner. Use hair mask once a week so that the frizz is minimized and you hair looks moisturized.

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Secret tips to follow in monsoon

monsoon ready

Also, wear comfortable clothes that can soak your sweat and are light in texture. This will allow your skin to breath easily and not get any pimples or rashes due to sweat.

Next comes the skin. Everyone faces some or the other skin problems in monsoon season, sometimes its a rash or an insect bite that stings and turns red. In order to keep away such skin problems, keep excess oil and dirt away from your skin.

Use a good cleanser and apply sunscreen if you are stepping out. Don’t go in an area which has greenery without application of insect repellent. Also, drink lots of water to keep yourself clean from within.

Most people don’t drink enough water in monsoons that leads to dehydration. Also, take ample amount of sleep to stay away from light headaches that are very commonly caused in monsoon.

Also Read : 5 Swine Flu Precautions To Follow This Monsoon

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In Conclusion:

Monsoon is a beautiful season but if you aren’t monsoon ready, it becomes a painful month to bear with. So, keep yourself monsoon ready by following these tips and enjoy this amazing season to the maximum.

Are you a monsoon lover? Do let us know!

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