
The World’s Least Powerful Passports In 2021 Includes Pakistan: Check Full List Here

The Residence and Citizenship planning firm ‘Henley & Partners’ says that the global gap in travel freedom is at its widest point than before and it continues to expand because of the entry barriers due to the Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic. However, the firm’s Henley Passport Index has ranked the World’s least powerful passport as well as most powerful passports in 2021.

Source: Make My Saffar

Japan and Singapore are at the top in the Henley Passport Index having a visa-free score of 192. On other hand, Afghanistan ranks on the top in the World’s least powerful passports in 2021.

Also Read: Henley Passport Index 2021: Most Powerful Passports In The World; India Ranks 90th

Check the World’s Least Powerful Passports in 2021

1. Afghanistan (visa-free score – 26)

2. Iraq (visa-free score – 28)

3. Syria (visa-free score – 29)

4. Pakistan (visa-free score – 31)

5. Yemen (visa-free score – 33)

6. Somalia (visa-free score – 34)

7. Nepal, Palestinian territory (visa-free score – 37)

8. North Korea (visa-free score – 39)

9. Bangladesh (visa-free score – 40)

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10. Iran, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Sudan (visa-free score – 41)

The above ranking depends on the analysis of exclusive data received from the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Henley & Partners’ global mobility report suggests that several countries in the global south have relaxed border restrictions to revive their economies but countries in the global north, follow stringent inbound travel restrictions.

Singh Vivek

With over 5 years of writing obituaries for a different organisation, I have a uniquely wry voice that shines through in my newest collection of articles.

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