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Study Says Diet Is More Important Than Exercise In Losing Weight

Trying to shed those extra pounds? Have you already taken that expensive gym membership?

If the answer is ‘Yes’, you need to take a pause and think again. According to a recent study, diet is way more important than exercise if you are trying to lose weight.

Diet is more important than exercise

Diet Is More Important Than Exercise

In fact, it all comes down to the diet, when you are trying to cut down your weight. No matter how far you walk or exercise, if the diet isn’t right you are not going to lose weight.

According to CNN reports, exercise enhances your appetite and when you make it a routine to have a specific session, it can ultimately lead to end the possibility of losing weight.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claims that folks who shed weight with a gradual speed tend to remain slim.

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Findings of the study

The results of the study were astonishing. It was found that only 10 percent of calories get burned after food consumption during the digestion process. Going further, they noted that 10 to 30 percent of calories are burned during physical exercise.

Nutritionist Lisa Drayer was quoted as saying to CNN, “It could not be more true. What you omit from your diet is so much more important than how much you exercise.”

She further explained,” All of your “calories in” come from the food you eat and the beverages you drink, but only a portion of your “calories out” are lost through exercise.

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How does weight loss work?

Diet Is More Important Than Exercise

Alexxai Kravitz, Investigator at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases says, “The average person – excluding professional athletes – burns five percent to 15 percent of their daily calories through exercise.”

All in all, this study is not trying to prove that exercise doesn’t do any good. It most certainly helps in building the core stamina and helps to shape the muscles.

Exercise also amplifies flexibility and aids in managing diseases which includes heart disease and even diabetes. But whenever it comes to weight loss, diet is a much more important lifestyle factor.

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