Here’s Why You Should Never Ever Sleep With Make-Up

So, you came home from a party and are so exhausted that you straight hit the bed. Obviously, you did not have the time to remove your make-up. Ring a bell?

It must have happened to you, and you brushed it off by thinking that it’s no big deal. But, in reality, it is a big deal. You should never sleep with make-up on.

Why you should not sleep with make-up?

sleeping with makeup

It isn’t healthy for your skin to be loaded with different layers of make-up while you sleep. The night time is for letting your skin breathe, and if you put a stop on it by sleeping with make-up, your skin will suffer the most.

For starters, it acts as a barrier between your skin and the oxygen. It suffocates skin from within and doesn’t allow passage of air. As a result, your skin will feel irritated.

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Sleeping with make-up raises skin issues

sleeping with makeup causes skin issues

Make-up can be glamorous and make you look beautiful but if you forget to remove it before sleeping, it will create skin problems. The main culprit to create such skin issues is the foundation. Mostly, these foundations are either oil-based or are of thick texture.

As a result, when you sleep with make-up on, it clogs pores and leads to inflammation. There will be acne and blackhead breakouts which will make your skin look terrible.

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Does it also affect lips?

sleeping with makeup

Lipstick is one of the key factors in make-up. As long as you sleep with lipstick on, lips will also suffer the same consequences as your skin. Overnight, your lips will be dry and chapped because it is drained of moisture. Make it a habit to wipe off the lipstick and apply a light moisturizer to keep them soft and moisturized.

Also Read: Dry, Itchy Skin Home Remedies

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Make-up can irritate eyes

sleeping with makeup

That smoky eye make-up isn’t going to do any good once you are home from the party. If you sleep without washing it off, chances are that it will cause irritation in your eyes. It can even lead to some serious infection if the mascara gets inside your eyes.


It leads to early wrinkles

sleeping with makeup

No one wants to look old. Especially, no one wants to have wrinkles on their face. But if you have the bad habit of sleeping with make-up on, you are most likely to have early onset of wrinkles because your skin is suffocated and layered with dirt and oil that blocks the pores.

Never, ever sleep with make-up on if you want to keep your skin healthy and young for longer!

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