
Happy Rakhi, Here Are The 10 Memes About Siblings Love

Today is Rakhi, years old tradition and probably the only day when I can’t fight with my sister. If you have a sister or a brother you must know the fun of teasing them,

Whether it is fighting for TV remote (which rarely happens in this digital era) or fighting because she got more maggie in her (or his) plate than you.

These fights are not really fought. These are the happy moments that we are making with a special person in our life.

We might mostly wish, “why I’m not the only kid in my family.” But remember without sibling your childhood would probably suck.

Here are the 10 memes that every sibling can relate with and by the way, happy rakhi.



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In Conclusion:

It was not that bad, growing up with another kid that my parents had. She is not adopted by I still like to tease her and say that Maa and Papa find you near the dustbin. But don’t judge me that’s just siblings love Aaahhhh… I feel lucky to have a sister. Happy Rakhi


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