
Science Behind Navratri Festival – Things You Need to Know

Navratri is the festive atmosphere filled with joy, happiness, and gaiety which goes Nine nights and ten days during which nine forms of Devi are worshiped. It’s not just a ritual but a belief to which a devotee connects enthusiastically. Fasting no longer remains a pain before the tremendous faith in Divine power. On the special eve of Navratri, when the devotees throughout the country are thrilled, seeking the blessings of the divine Goddess – Maa Durga. Believe it or not – but there is a supernatural entity that holds the beliefs of so many, for decades.

Science behind Navratri Fasting

Navratri Appear Twice A Year

Navratri festival is the biggest event which goes by ancient Vedic rituals performed for nine days. There are two main Navratri – One is known as Chaitra Navratri followed in the month of Chaitra (March –April) beginning of summer, and the other is celebrated in the month of Ashwina (September – October) beginning of winter.

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Health Benefits Of Navratri Festival Fasting

On the other end of the beliefs associated with the nine-day fasting of Goddess Durga, there is a science behind the festival too. Now, let’s get acquainted with the benefits of Navratri fasting –

Cleanses The Body

As per scientific clarification, celebrating Navratri exhibits the onset of weather change. In Chaitra, winter ends and summer begins while in Ashwina summer ends, and winter starts. Scientifically, Navratri fasting aids in detoxifying the body and enables people to make an easygoing collaboration for the arrival of a new season without affecting their health. A similar fasting culture– Ramadan is prevalent in the Muslim religion

Fast on Navratri Makes You Pious, And Energetic

Other than the food, our thoughts are something that is being consumed through the senses (eyes, ears, etc). Fasting here is not just of foods but of negative energies (fear, anxiety, stress, sadness, etc) and welcomes a new positive sphere within you.

This is the time that helps you to get rid of all the negative feelings, detoxifying the mind and body to emerge a new you. Practicing silence for some time gives rest to the unstoppable mind. A silence gives inner peace and brings clarity to thoughts and vision.

Improves Self Control

Breaking the relentless style of certain foods that you have been consuming for years, undoubtedly, requires an unshakeable will. The vibes of Navratri are such that anyone can become so determined to attain the zenith. Your fasting spirit gives new self-discipline to make your senses calm so you are able to channelize your energy in a better way.

Improves Health

Fasting usually aids in weight loss much more effectively compared to dieting. It is a secure way to lose those extra weights (kilos) to manage the body structure. Other than this, it improves immunity, slows down aging, and reduces the risk of diabetes, thyroid disorders, hypertension, and heart disease to gain longevity.

Can Faith And Reasons Coexist?

It is the faith of the devotees which is a blessing in disguise for the current generation. In Hindu culture, our ancestors have made something that is accurate, and we should be thankful for it. Likewise Navratri, each festival is unique and comes with its specifications. So, there will be some science in every festive culture. All there is a need to figure out.

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