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Russia-Ukraine Crisis; Putin Validates Ukraine’s Breakaway Region

Russian President Vladimir Putin says that he will sign an order by force of law which will recognize two breakaway regions of Ukraine as independent. The tensions are growing over the day in Russia-Ukraine Crisis and world leaders are trying to resolve the matter in diplomatic ways.

An emergency meeting of UN Security Council was held in which India has called for restraint from all sides. Indian Permanent Representative T S Tirumurti said, “The escalation of tension along the border of Ukraine with the Russian Federation is a matter of deep concern. These developments have the potential to undermine peace and security of the region.”

He added, “The immediate priority is de-escalation of tensions taking into account the legitimate security interests of all countries and aimed towards securing long term peace and stability in the region and beyond.”

United States have also made harsh remarks on Russia’s current behavior in Ukraine’s breakaway region. White House has signed an executive order which prohibits new investment, trade and financing by any US citizen and government in breakaway regions of Ukraine. The order also says that if any person will operate in the region then sanctions will be imposed immediately.

What Is Breakaway Region Of Ukraine?

Separatists in Donetsk and Luhansk region of Eastern Ukraine are known as Breakaway Region of Ukraine collectively known as Donbass. The separatists in the region have always been backed by Russia but Putin Government never accepted the allegations. Donbass region broke away from control of Ukranian government in 2014 and declared them as People ’s Republic but were not recognized till now.

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Russia has always denied of being party of the dispute but has always backed the separatists with financial and other resources. Since 2014, Russia has been giving financial aid, military support, Covid-19 vaccines. Russia has also issued more than 800,000 Russian passports to the residents of the region.

How Economic Powers Responded To Russia-Ukraine Crisis?

Since months governments in west have been warning Russia that if any movement of military forces will happen on Ukraine’s border; it will cause serious implications including financial sanctions. Antony Blinken US Secretary of State said, “Recognition of the region would further undermine Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, constitute a gross violation of international law, (and) call into further question Russia’s stated commitment to continue to engage in diplomacy to achieve a peaceful resolution of this crisis”.

Has This Occurred Before?

In 2008, Russia participated in same position with Georgia where it recognized independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. They were breakaway regions of Georgia and the Georgian government had to go through a short war. The regions were provided financial aid by Russia and it gave Russian citizenship to the people of the region and stationed thousands of troops.

Siddhant Baranwal

Siddhant is a Content Creator. He has been doing this for past three years and have managed to gain good attention of audiences for his work. He is an active reader and has huge respect for art and theatre.

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