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Breaking News: Revoking Article 370 In Kashmir, Watch Amit Shah’s Full Speech Here

The BJP has been trying to oppose the special status of Jammu & Kashmir for a long time now. Last time during Atal Bihari Vajpayee government the proposal to revoke Article 370 was dropped due to lack of a majority.

But now, the days have finally arrived, as the article 370 has been revoked, taking down article 35A along with it. On Monday, Home Minister Amit Shah in the Rajya Sabha stated that Article 370 won’t imply on Kashim from now on.

This Is How Opposition Reacted

The act is signed by President Ram Nath Kovind and reads that the act came into action immediately.

[Also Read: What’s Happening In Kashmir? Leaders Under House Arrest And An Unofficial Curfew?]

Ghulam Nabi Azad representing Congress in Rajya Sabha said, “Entire valley is under curfew, political leaders including three former chief ministers are under house arrest. There is a war-like situation in the state, so this should be discussed on priority,” reported ANI.

To which Amit Shah responded, “I am ready for all discussions by the leader of the Opposition, the entire opposition and the members of the ruling party over Kashmir issue. I am ready to answer all questions,” reported ANI.

Watch Amit Shah’s full speech here;

Current Situation Of Kashmir

The entire Kashmir is under curfew, as the authorities restricted section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPc). All the senior leaders are under house arrest, schools and colleges are also shut down. What you think, how it will affect the J&K state? Revoking Article 370 is this the right decision?

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