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Good News For WhatsApp Users: You Can Now Report Offensive Messages

WhatsApp is one of the most common online messaging apps. You, your girlfriend, your family and literally 80% of the world likes to use this app on a daily basis. From sending a simple text message to know whereabouts of your loved ones to share funny gifs and memes, WhatsApp has become the most used medium.

But it can get annoying sometimes. Just like when your uncle can’t stop sending those annoying good morning, good night messages in your family group. Thankfully, not just you but the government is also annoyed with some people who misuse this online messaging app.

Just so you know, there are people who use the platform to share child pornographic content and promote violence. Naturally, it has become an issue for both the government and the officials at WhatsApp.

But don’t worry they have got the solution

In order to take control of things, Government has asked the higher authorities at WhatsApp to show the private conversation of the users of their country. This way government can track down the people who are promoting violence and sharing pornography.

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But as WhatsApp can’t allow this, because of the breach of privacy of its user, it came up with a different solution. WhatsApp has now enabled the feature of reporting offensive messages.

Report offensive users and messages

Now, you can report users who have sent you something fishy (image, video or link). If the phone number gets reported by several users, WhatsApp will temporarily or permanently block the user from using its services and promoting violence.

If you have just received a text (link or image) from an unknown number and you think there is something wrong. You can directly report and block the user. You can also report the contact that is already saved in your phone, simply click to the three dots that appear on the top of the name (inside WhatsApp), tap on the report and that’ it.

Strict actions against unethical WhatsApp users

WhatsApp feature that will allow you to report and block the user at the same time. This will help you from getting spam messages from that particular person.

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It will not only give you relieve from the spam messages but it will also help the authorities to take down some strict actions against the person but permanently blacklisting their number from the Whatsapp. That will not allow them to use service again with the same number.

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In Conclusion:

Certainly, this is better than allowing governments access to every user’s messages. This might not be the best way to make sure people don’t use this online messaging platform for the wrong deeds. Sadly, most of us love getting those messages. And as long as we all decide to do better, government or WhatsApp can’t do anything to stop it.

Its time for us to bring the change and use WhatsApp for causal things which it is meant for! 

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