
Repeated Booster Shots Will Not Help: WHO

World Health Organization (WHO) has said that repeating booster shots of same Covid vaccine against emerging variants is not a viable strategy.

WHO Technical Advisory Group On Covid-19 Vaccine Composition (TA-Co-VAC) gave a statement to press and said, “A vaccination strategy based on repeated booster doses of the original vaccine composition is unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable.”

The experts at the organization are continuously assessing the performance of different Covid vaccines that are used around the world against the virus. They think that its time to develop vaccines not only to prevent the infected patient from getting seriously ill. The vaccines should prevent the person from getting infected by the virus in order to deal with variants that will keep emerging for quite some time.

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The advisory group said that, “Covid-19 vaccines that have high impact on prevention of infection and transmission, in addition to the prevention of severe disease and death, are needed and should be developed.”

Such vaccine will prevent community transmission of the virus. This is a problem especially among low income countries where population density is high.

The researchers should also focus on developing vaccines that create strong immune responses that have a long lasting impact so that there is no need for booster shots in future.

The components of the current vaccines need an update according to new strains. It will be more helpful in fighting the spread of the infection.

WHO in a report also said the virus will keep mutating if the frequency of the infection will be high. We cannot control the rate at which virus mutates to form new strains.

Siddhant Baranwal

Siddhant is a Content Creator. He has been doing this for past three years and have managed to gain good attention of audiences for his work. He is an active reader and has huge respect for art and theatre.

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