AnimalsViral News

Red Fort Shut Down For Public After Dead Crow Found Inside Tests Positive Of Flu

Bird flu is adding to the misery of both birds and tourists as the flu has prompted the Delhi government to shut down Red Fort for visitors after sample of the dead crow, found inside the fort, tested positive for avian influenza.

As many as 15 crows were found dead inside the Red Fort a few days ago. The sample from a dead bird was then sent to a Jalandhar laboratory for testing. And now the same sample has tested positive.

Source – Deccan Herald

Apart from samples from the fort, samples of a dead owl from the Delhi zoo had also been sent for a scan and tested positive for avian influenza.

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Only last week, the Delhi government had banned the sale of processed and packaged chicken brought from outside the city. The government had also ordered the closure of the Ghazipur poultry market in east Delhi for 10 days post sample of crows and ducks at parks and lakes in Delhi tested positive for avian influenza.

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However, the ban was lifted after all the samples taken from Ghazipur, Asia’s largest poultry market, tested negative.

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