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Lockdown Inspired This Punjab Man To Build A Wooden Cycle, Now He Receives Orders From Abroad

If not anything else, the lockdown in India has surely helped many become aatm nirbhar. And one among those person is Punjab-based carpenter Dhani Ram Saggu. The man is an inspiration making news for his an eco-friendly cycle he built during the lockdown period.

And now, has received orders from as far as Canada.

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According to a report published in The Better India, the Zirakpur-based man has to overcome two failed attempts to build the amazing looking cycle. Well, at least the looks of it and the tendency to flaunt it might prompt you to exercise a bit more.

Source – FB

Dhani Ram began building the cyle in April and perfected it using simple products like plywood, an electric saw and a spanner. The cycle has been priced at Rs 15,000.

Source – Marketing Mind

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Elaborating upon how he came up with this product, Saggu told The Better India, “I am a carpenter. Usually, I would get orders to build cupboards, doors, shelves, and sometimes I would repair broken fittings for residents in the area. With construction put in a full halt, and with no means of livelihood, I wanted to keep myself occupied, learn new skills, and build something different. But, my creativity was constrained to the raw materials available at home – plywood, tools, and old cycles.”
Source – The Better India

On being asked how the idea struck his mind, the man said that he and his friends are fond of working on such projects. They experiment on bicycle by adding modifications to it and this was one such project.

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He goes on to add that the concept of this cycle was first put on paper, after which parts of the cycle like the body, handlebars and the wheel rims, were made from wood. Parts like the chain, pedals, wheels, seat and the side-stand were taken from an old cycle. In the end, all of this was put together in order to make the final product.

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