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Lists Of Popular Anime Series On Amazon Prime Video

Love watching anime and want to know the popular anime series on Amazon Prime that you can watch?

Have you ever tried searching about popular anime series? Over the last few years watching anime is not been niche anymore it has become mainstream. Nowadays anime has become very popular among the viewers of all people. Kids, teenagers, and adults all love watching anime shows. Before this popularity, only a few people enjoyed it. This was meant to the entertainment for only geeks, but now the anime industry is growing and becoming mainstream. Have you ever felt left out when your friends are talking about “Vinland Saga” and you don’t even know about it? This is the worst feeling you can get.

Lately, the anime industry has made its place in the American mainstream. Many popular online streaming services show anime series. Now they are available on these streaming platforms to watch very easily. Before this anime was not easily accessible and not so many of them were produced. Now not only in Japan but anime has become popular overseas.

Lists Of Popular Aime Series

Here are the lists of popular anime series to watch on Amazon Prime Video:

Grimoire of Zero

Grimoire of Zero

This is a popular anime series in which Zero is a witch who has many magical powers and has the form of half-witch and half-human. Zero is on a mission to combine forces with powered mercenaries to find the power novel “The Book of Zero”. This grimoire is very powerful and can destroy the world if used hastily.

Inuyashiki: The Last Hero

Inuyashiki: The Last Hero

Lately, this is one of the most-watched anime series released in the last few years. Inuyashiki: The Last Hero has the most thrilling narrations that will give your goosebumps. As soon as you start watching this anime you will know you are watching an epic saga. This story is about a man called Inuyashiki, he is a brave man. Once he went for a walk in his neighborhood park, he become the victim of an alien invasion. After this incident his whole life just changed, he has become an advanced robot with powerful abilities. This series is full of action and emotional scenes that will make me excited and cry at the same time. Watch Inuyashiki using his powerful abilities while saving human lives.

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Vinland Saga

Vinland Saga

In Vinland Saga, you will see the Vikings in action. This series will show you the true powers of Vikings, how they have conquered the world and ruled for hundreds of years. This anime series is written by the famous anime writer “Makoto Yukimura” having the main character named “Thorfinn” who has some series battling skills. See Thorfinn in action with this awesome anime series.



Dororo has all the fun and action you will need to watch. This series is very powerful and will make you cry many times. In this series, you will witness the journey of an orphaned boy and a mysterious swordsman. Your excitement will increase as you will see them hunting demons across the continent. This is a very interesting anime series to watch, you will see many unusual things happening one by one.

Banana Fish

Banana Fish

Banana Fish is one of the most thrilling anime series written by “Akimi Yoshida”. In this anime series, you will witness the fight between the 17-year-old Ash Lynx and the mafia boss named “Dino Golzine”. Banana Fish is the interesting name given to this series. When the soldier in this series goes mad and kills all his buddies, since then he has only spoken “Banana Fish”.

Rishabh Sharma

Rishabh is an experienced content writer and editor, he is working for Viralbake to cover a diversified range of categories. His articles mainly focus on providing information, being a travel guide, educating others, and also making people aware of technology, after all, he is a technophile. When not writing he can be found gaming, watching movies, and travelling.

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