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5 Reasons That Prove The New Reservation Policy By Modi Is Not Fair

It is not the first time when Indian politicians have interfered with the reservation policy of our country. Recently, during the winter session of parliament, Modi cabinet has passed the bill that will offer 10% reservation to all the economically backward upper castes.

Currently, 50% of seats are reserved in every government job or institutes that offer higher education. Though, it is only enjoyed by the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and the Other Backward Classes.

But now, with this new reservation policy, economically backward upper class can also enjoy the Quota policy. Everyone has their own different opinion whether this 103rd amendment in our constitution is boon or a disaster. But what’s the reality? Is it really good for our country or is this just going to cause more riots?

Here are the 5 reasons that prove the new reservation policy by Modi will result in disaster.

1. Violating the spirit of the constitution

new reservation policy

Under article 14 of our Indian constitution, leaders of our country guarantee equality before the law or equal protection within the Indian territory. Not just this but under article 15 and 16, our framers’ guarantee, that no one will be discriminated in any Indian states on the basis of their caste, race, sex, and place of birth.

There will be no discrimination and equal opportunities provided in the matter of Public employment. These reservation policies are mainly based on the caste system that is still followed in our country. And with the 103rd amendment, our government has violated the spirit of our constitution.

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2. Flawed law

new reservation policy

Since the proposed reservation policy is introduced for the economically backward upper-class, the eligibility criteria include family income less than 8 lakh per annum. Also, people with the landholding less than 5 acres or residential holding of 100 yards can also apply for this new quota policy.

But ironically, 96% of Indian families earn less than 8 lakh every year. Only 15% of families hold land more than 5 acres. So, basically, every Indian is eligible to reap benefit from this new policy. Not just this, but because the quota is always served in first come first serve basis.

The only person who is going to take advantage out of it, are the upper-class people who have got the name but faces financial issues every now and then.

3. Political Move

new reservation policy

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BJP has been always represented by the upper castes. Even their voters mostly belong to the upper castes and the unemployed men of upper castes. Releasing the bill that offers 10% quota to all the economically backward upper castes, sounds like a political move that is played to secure the votes in the upcoming Lok Sabha election of 2019.

Knowing the fact that the solution of the problems is an even bigger problem, this flawed law only sounds like Modi governments desperate attempt to secure votes of their upper caste voters before the election.

Also Read: 10 Times When Modi Govt Failed And Made Our Lives Extremely Tough

4. Equality vs Reservation

new reservation policy

When the concept of reservation added into our constitution, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the man drafted the constitution itself, only considered the reservation as the temporary solution. He and many other believed that India will rise above all the barriers of cast and discrimination through the education and knowledge.

But, they forget to see the selfish motives of the upcoming generation of politicians. India was not the only country who faced the problem of discrimination in their country. America has also gone through the phase in which their own African American citizens were treated just like we used to treat lower castes in the past.

But the approach of the Americans was more logical. Instead of fighting for reservation, the people started the fight for equality. They want nothing but the equal rights to treat an African American just like they treat their own natives.

5. Pick one, Best or Quota

new reservation policy

In the sports field, we want the best batsmen, in our hospitals we want the best surgeons, we want the best person to keep our bank records. But, we can’t get the best until we are fighting against the reserved quota. Those days are far gone when the lower castes were discriminated from the upper castes.

Though the concept of reservation system is still up and running in our country, which makes it hard to find the best talent from our country. With the new reservation policy by Modi, only 40% of seats are available to pick the best. While other 60% is divided among different castes under the name of reserved quota.

In Conclusion:

This is not the first time when Indian politicians interfered with our constitution targeting the reservation policy. Unfortunately, every time it came out to be a disaster. So, does this new reservation policy by Modi is going to help the Indian citizens?

We don’t think so, it looks more like a political gimmick to attract new votes.

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