
New Driving License Rules Are Imposed In India, Know How To Apply

A Driving License or DL is one of the most essential documents that a person requires to be able to drive in any country. However, we are specifically going to discuss Indian driving licenses in this article, as the new and improvised rules are imposed. To become a driver of any vehicle in India as per the law you will have to obtain a driving license. That’s obvious, but there is a lengthy procedure to obtain one. This procedure involves many time-consuming steps including the registration of the applicant at the Regional Transport Office (RTO). So, to assist you to understand it better we have created this article.

No Circling Around RTO Office For Driving License

No Circling Around RTO Office For Driving License

Now there is no need for the citizens to visit the RTO office to get their driving license registration done. There are some private driving offices or centers either assigned by the Central Government or registered through the State Government that will do the work. These centers will be given licenses for only five years and have to get renewed for the next five.

Driving Test Not Required At RTO

As per the new rule imposed by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, now citizens are not bound to give the driving test at RTO offices only, they can give their test at any government authorized center.

Different Types of Driving License In India

  • MC 50CC- this is for driving motorcycles with 50 ccs or less than that.
  • MC EX50CC- Light motor vehicles or LMVs with 50 cc or less.
  • MCWOG/FVG- Motorcycles without gears having any engine power capacity.
  • M/CYCL.WG- “All motorcycles without gear.”
  • LMV-NT- light motor vehicles that are for nontransport purposes.

Types of Commercial Driving License In India

  • HMV- “Heavy Motor Vehicle”
  • HGMV- “Heavy Goods Motor Vehicle”
  • HPMV/HTV- “Heavy passenger motor vehicle/Heavy transport vehicle”
  • MGV- “Medium goods vehicle”
  • LMV- “motorcars, delivery vans, jeeps, and taxis”
  • Trailer- “Heavy trailer license”

Documents Needed To Avail A Legal Driving License In India

  • Age proof- means, “An educational certificate, birth certificate, pa card, passport, or employer certificate may be submitted.”
  • Address Proof- means, “Aadhar card, rent agreement, Ration card, passport, utility bill, or Life Insurance policy certificate may be submitted.”
  • Four Application Forms
  • Passport-sized photo of the applicant
  • Forms 1 and 1A for medical certification

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How To Apply?

Citizens can apply online by visiting the official website of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways by filling in all mandatory details requested. All the other instructions are already given on the page.

Rishabh Sharma

Rishabh is an experienced content writer and editor, he is working for Viralbake to cover a diversified range of categories. His articles mainly focus on providing information, being a travel guide, educating others, and also making people aware of technology, after all, he is a technophile. When not writing he can be found gaming, watching movies, and travelling.

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