
Navratri Kanjak Puja: Importance and How To Do It?

On the occasion of Navratri, believers worship nine girls along with a boy, which is called Navratri Kanjak Puja. They are invited to the house and then certain rituals are followed. We will talk about this entire tradition that holds immense value in Indian Culture.

We will talk about the importance of this Indian tradition incorporated in the Navratri festival as well as the correct way to do it. Keep reading to know everything about this tradition if you are planning to organise it in your house.

Navratri Kanjak Puja

Whom to Worship?

The believers worship 9 girls between the ages of 2 and 10 along with a boy. This boy is considered as Hanuman Ji who is also termed as langur.

During Navratri, these girls are believed to be the avatar of the nine goddesses who are worshipped throughout the Navratri Festival.

In case you don’t find 9 girls, you can do the ritual with 7 or 5 girls. However, if more than 9 girls happen to come to your place, then welcome each one of them with the same enthusiasm.

Why to Worship?

As mentioned above, these girls are worshipped as the nine goddesses whereas the boy as Hanuman Ji.

Hence, it is believed that without doing this, one can not really please the Goddess Durga and the rest.

When to Worship?

You should worship the girls at the end of your 9 days long fast, on the 10th day.

However, people who do not keep this 9 days long fast, like to do this ritual on the 7th, 8th or 9th day of the festival. You should do it in the morning after cleaning the entire house, the puja place, kitchen and everything else.

How to do the ritual?

If you are worried about the rituals, then you should simply follow these steps that I am mentioning below:

  • You should start by inviting the girls over to your house.
  • You should welcome them with your entire family.
  • You should clean their feet and take blessings from them.
  • Then have them seated and put tilak on their forehead.
  • Give them the food you prepared for them. People generally like to offer them chane, halwa and puri.
  • Offer them food, money, fruits and whatever you wish.
  • Take their blessings again and send them home.

Importance of Kanjak Pujan

Believers have their faith on the importance of Kanjan Puja. It starts with believing that the nine girls are representing the nine goddesses of the festival while the boy represents Hanuman Ji. It is important to please these kids in order to please the real goddesses watching over you.

Besides this, worshipping a specific age is also linked to some specific gains in life. Here is a list of the age groups with the benefits attached to worshipping them:

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Age GroupBenefits of Worshipping Them
2 Years OldDrives away sadness and problems from your house.
3 Years OldAttracts money and happiness to your home.
4 Years OldBrings welfare to your house.
5 Years OldHelps to eradicate diseases from your body.
6 Years OldEnhances education, knowledge and brings royalty.
7 Years OldBrings fortune and prosperity in your life.
8 Years OldEnds arguments and disagreements.
9 Years OldGains win over your enemies.
10 Years OldEradicate any kind of suffering.


This was a complete article about the ritual of Navratri Kanjak Puja. By now, you know the importance and significance of it in Indian Culture. You also know how to do it if you want to go through with it.

Remember to keep your heart clean and your mind filled with divine thoughts while you do it. Also, share this article with people who want to do it but don’t know the right way.

Also Read:

Happy Navratri: Read This Article To Learn All About Navratri Devis and Puja


Words help me express the unsaid and we have come a long way while walking hand in hand like that so now I write about anything and everything that ignites the spark of inspiration in me.

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