
Navratri 2022: Significance, Dates, Day-Wise 9 Forms of Maa Durga

Navratri 2022 is closing on fast, it is one of the auspicious and awaited festivals for every Hindu all over the globe. Navratri means nine nights, dedicated to the nine forms of Maa Durga. To know the legend of Navratri or the answer to why we celebrate Navratri, you will have to know about the great battle fought between Goddess Durga and Mahishasura. Maa Durga’s victory over Rakshasa Mahishasura is celebrated each year as the victory of Good over Evil.

Navratri 2022, Worshipping Nine Forms of Maa Durga For Nine Days

There are four types of Navratri celebrated each year “Sharad Navrati, Chaitra Navratri, Magha Navratri and Ashadha Gupta Navratri”. So, during September and October ‘Sharad Navratri’ is celebrated around the Globe by every Maa Durga devotee.

Important Dates of Navratri This Year

  • This year Sharad Navratri will be commencing on September 26 and will conclude on October 5.

Nine Forms of Maa Durga Worshipped Day-Wise Along With Suited Colours:

Maa Shailputri


This year, Day 1, means September 26th will be celebrated as the day of Maa Shailputri. The Appropriate colour for the first day of Navratri is White.

Maa Brahmacharini


Red is the colour for the second day of Navratri, falling on September 27, which will be devoted to Ma Brahmacharani.

Maa Chandraghanta


This year, September 28, means the third day of Navratri will be devoted to Maa Chandraghanta and the best colour of this day is royal blue.

Maa Kushmanda


The fourth day of Navratri, on September 29, will be dedicated to Maa Kushmanda and the colour for this day will be yellow.

Maa Skandmata


The Colour of the fifth day is green, dedicated to Maa Skandmata, and will be celebrated on September 30.

Maa Katyayani


October 1 will be the day of Maa Katyayani, as the sixth day of Navratri, for which the colour is Grey.

Maa Kaalratri


The day dedicated to Maa Kaalratri is the seventh of Navratri, which means October 2nd of this year. The colour of this day will be orange.

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Maa Siddhidatri


We worship Maa Siddhidatri on the ninth day of Navratri, which will be on October 4th of this year. The colour of this day is pink.

Rishabh Sharma

Rishabh is an experienced content writer and editor, he is working for Viralbake to cover a diversified range of categories. His articles mainly focus on providing information, being a travel guide, educating others, and also making people aware of technology, after all, he is a technophile. When not writing he can be found gaming, watching movies, and travelling.

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