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Mouse Cat Chase Video : Real Life Tom And Jerry Spotted

I bet you have heard the saying, ‘Every DOG has a day’.

But I guess it applies for all the other animals as well. In this case, this was the day of a ‘Mouse’. A hilarious video that a passer-by captured shows, what seems to be the real-life chase of Jerry after Tom.

The Epic Mouse-Cat chase

Just like they used to show in Tom & Jerry cartoons, where Jerry is chasing Tom mercilessly and Tom scurries away with his tail between his legs, the same happened in real life as well.

A cat is seen eyeing a mouse across the street. She must have thought the mouse as a potential lunch but as soon as she approached the rodent, things took an unexpected turn.

Mouse chasing cat

What did the Mouse do?

He literally threatens the cat thrice, as if yanking out abuses at her and telling her to ‘Fuck off’.

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Mouse chasing cat

Meanwhile, the cat quickly realizes that this is not the guy she wanna mess with.

Mouse chasing cat

She can be seen taking one step back at a time, with every pounce the rodent makes.

Mouse chasing cat

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And soon, she flees the scene. But the rodent keeps chasing her all the way to the other end of the street, making sure she got the lesson not to mess with him ever again if they cross paths in the future.

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Mouse chasing cat

The clip is really hilarious AF. The tiny mouse who is literally one-tenth of the size of this cat showed her who the boss is.

Watch it here:

In Conclusion:

I don’t know about you, but I for sure can imagine the slangs this rodent was hurling at the cat while chasing her. Lol. Undoubtedly, this is one of the funniest mouse chases I have ever seen.

What about you, wanna try making a dubsmash video out of this clip? 

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