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Monkey Filmed Washing Clothes Is The Best Thing On The Internet Today

You might have seen a dog adhering to his owner’s commands, a parrot dubbing humans and even a lion doing all sorts of tricks at a circus. However, have you ever seen monkey washing clothes? Yes, it might sound bananas, but what you are about to see has got netizens rolling on the floor.

In a comical incident, the internet woke up to a hilarious video of monkey washing clothes in desi “dhobi pachhad” style. The 37-second video shot by Indian Forest Service shows the monkey bashing clothes in an attempt to wash them like a traditional washerman.

Just like humans, the monkey reciprocates the act of washing clothes, as he beats the cloth on a table-like platform before dipping the same in a huge vessel filled with water, and then again going back to the washing spree.

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The people who had shot the video can be overheard laughing and cheering at the act of the animal in the background. In true words, the act is worth praising and even IFS officer Susanta Nanda can’t agree more. Susanta Nanda while sharing the video on his Twitter handle appreciated the monkey’s learning skills. “Contagious behaviour. Learning to do from seeing it done by this primate is extremely amusing,” Nanda wrote.

Truly, seeing animals take interest in human activities and enact the same is a motivating sight to behold. It shows how closely they observe us and try to learn from us, unlike most humans.

Once the video went viral on the Internet, netizens appreciated the animal and also dropped hilarious comments on the video. Here are some of the reactions:

Even if he were making naan, those would be the best naans you would ever have. who else agrees?

Who else needs a monkey in their life?

And this is my favourite.

Indeed it is.

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