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Memes Flooded Over Twitter After The Release Of Budget 2022

Memes flooded over Twitter after the release of budget 2022

Budget Release 2022

Finally, on Tuesday finance minister Nirmala Sitaraman presented the budget for 2022. This is when memes flooded over Twitter. All eyes were on the finance minister in the hope that the new budget will benefit their taxable incomes. Especially middle-class taxpayers were hoping that there will be some tax deductions on their incomes. But instead, all the hopes were dashed when the union budget 2022 was released.

In her 30 minutes, long speech Finance minister Nirmala Sitaraman said that there would be no increase in tax revenue due to the difficulties faced by the citizens because of the pandemic. She discussed how the budget will provide a new ray of light to our country and assist in the growth at a rate of 9.27 percent. If this estimated growth rate becomes exact then the country will see the highest progress rate in the world in the current financial year.

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When Memes Flooded Over Twitter

Soon after the budget was released, the memes community got busy. Busy in creating the most hilarious memes on the budget release. This tribute to the financial budget was given with extremely funny memes. Created memes were generally focused on middle-class taxpayers. They resemble the perfect condition of a taxpayer who wants to boost his savings. These memes were very hilarious and went viral within seconds. Middle-class taxpayers always get affected by the budget release every year. But in the current scenario, if we analyze their current conditions, they are facing a lot of difficulties financially due to Covid-19.

This year’s budget release was supposed to be new hope of light for them. This was a big chance to boost their savings. But instead, the condition remained the same and their hope was crushed. This proves to be the best opportunity the meme community can get. They have not wasted even a single minute and use their creative skills to viral the most hilarious memes and jokes over Twitter.

Some of the most hilarious memes are:

Rishabh Sharma

Rishabh is an experienced content writer and editor, he is working for Viralbake to cover a diversified range of categories. His articles mainly focus on providing information, being a travel guide, educating others, and also making people aware of technology, after all, he is a technophile. When not writing he can be found gaming, watching movies, and travelling.

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