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Madhuri Dixit Trolling Young Stars In ‘The Fame Game’

Madhuri Dixit Seen Roasting Young Stars

‘Dancing Diva of Bollywood’ Actress Madhuri Dixit ruled it in her new OTT released show ‘The Fame Game. She made her OTT debut with this show exclusively released on Netflix. She played every scene like a dive and proved that she is still one of the most gorgeous actresses. We can say that she is playing a powerful role in this series which has split the internet. Madhuri Dixit is playing Anamika Khanna, her character shows a variety of attributes from being clever & rude to showing care for her family. Her boldness is displaying different aspects of Bollywood actresses. Netizens became impressed with her bold dialogue which she delivered marvellously roasting young privileged actresses.

Madhuri Dixit Seen Roasting Young Stars

In an epic scene of the show Madhuri Said to a newcomer, she does not need her blessings or talent. The dialogue was “You don’t need my blessings really. You young stars these days have PR, stylists, trainers, you have everything. Actually, you don’t even need talent, let alone my blessings.”

By watching the scene anyone can predict that this dialogue was going to become an instant hit. And the same happens, as dialogue becomes a trend on social media.

The scene was shared on Reddit. “Apply some ice on burnt areas.” Reacting to this, a user wrote, “Madhuri would have enjoyed this scene and saying that dialogue.” Another commented, “So much truth being spoken in this series.”

Now the shower of comments has started. A person commented “Fame Game is like Bollywood trolling itself. I like how the writers are using their creative liberties to take shots on Bollywoodwalas without taking their names LMAO.”

About “The Fame Game”

About “The Fame Game”

The exclusive Netflix series ‘The Fame Game’ was released on February 25, 2022. The series also starred ‘Sanjay Kapoor’ and ‘Manav Kaul’ and is directed by “Karishma Kohli” and “Bijoy Nambiar”. The characters in this Netflix Original are written tastefully and the plot will keep you hooked forever.

Rishabh Sharma

Rishabh is an experienced content writer and editor, he is working for Viralbake to cover a diversified range of categories. His articles mainly focus on providing information, being a travel guide, educating others, and also making people aware of technology, after all, he is a technophile. When not writing he can be found gaming, watching movies, and travelling.

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