
Limca Book Of Records: Meet India’s Longest Haired Akanksha Yadav

Someone has truly said that “Hair does not make the woman, but good hair definitely helps.” However, Akanksha Yadav from Maharashtra got her a spot in the “Limca Book of Records”, for its 2020-2022 editions. The length of her hair is 9ft 10.5 inches.

Source: Instagram

Akanksha has been holding the record in the country since 2019 and has also gotten a place in the India Book of Records.

Source: Instagram

When asked about the secret behind such long lustrous hair by Indian Express, she said: I don’t spend over 20 minutes on hair wash or other hair tasks during a day.

She is a pharmaceutical and management professional and says that her hair is a “blessing”.

Also Read: 8 Times When Meena From ‘Kota Factory’ Proved That He Is Too Pure For This World

Source: Instagram

Source: Instagram

Source: Instagram

Singh Vivek

With over 5 years of writing obituaries for a different organisation, I have a uniquely wry voice that shines through in my newest collection of articles.

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