
Latest Update! Telegram users Can Now Use These 4 features

Telegram users, there is awesome news for you. Now you can use these 4 fun features with the latest updates. Recently telegram has been making lots of efforts to stand out and widen the gap from its competitors. Telegram is a powerful instant messaging app that is simply awesome, fast, and reliable. With millions of active users, Telegram has become a powerful social media platform. It is the top 10 most downloaded instant messaging app in the world. Now four more electrifying features are introduced in the telegram with its latest update. This is the reason for which you should update your app. The best thing about using telegram is that it is available for multiple devices with different operating systems. Telegram is available for IOS, PC, and Android devices.

Here are the four useful features that are introduced in Telegram with the latest update:

Telegram Users can Create Video Stickers

Now Telegram has introduced a new feature of converting videos into stickers. For its users to always enjoy their conversations telegram has launched this facility. Users can select any video whether entertaining or funny and convert it to make .webm video stickers. This feature is going to make your conversations more creative and enjoyable. The advantage of this new idea is that users don’t have to install third-party apps to make new packs of stickers anymore. Developers can now use sticker import API to create featured apps to create and import stickers to telegram.

Use Interactive and Expressive Emojis

The new feature has given telegram emojis new faces which are more interactive and expressive. As telegram is a messenger app it has lots of options to communicate using texts, stickers, gifs, videos, and emojis. Users can use them as they feel right to express their feelings. With the latest updates now emojis have gotten much better. This means, their facial reactions have become more interactive and expressive. You will love conversing with your friends, family members, and other loved ones. These extra emojis will have reactions of love, anger, appreciation, and surprise.

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Easy Navigation Menu

Telegram Users can navigate easily with new update. You can jump through the chats through navigtation shortcuts. Just press and hold the back button of your device to go to any specific conversation. Lists of recent chats has been included in the telegram for the users to track their conversations.

Telegram Users Can Make Emojis Bigger

This update will allow you to make your emojis animations bigger and better. You will have to go to the reaction menu then press and hold any emoji to make its animations bigger. Telegram is making efforts for its users to make messaging more and more fun. The release of these features is the proof. Few other updates are also released to fix bug issues and you will get them as soon as you update your app.

Rishabh Sharma

Rishabh is an experienced content writer and editor, he is working for Viralbake to cover a diversified range of categories. His articles mainly focus on providing information, being a travel guide, educating others, and also making people aware of technology, after all, he is a technophile. When not writing he can be found gaming, watching movies, and travelling.

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