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Do You Know Kissing Burns Calories And Can Help You Lose Your Weight?

Many writers have described a kiss like magic, that makes you feel flying high. Gives you the tingling feeling inside your heart and helps you free from all the bull-shit that is surrounding you.

Science also supports the fact that a beautiful tongue-tangling play with your partner can bring down the stress levels significantly. But there is one more hidden benefit of kissing. As there is a study that proves kissing can help you lose weight.

What’s This Study?

Kissing burns calories

A study was done on kissing, conducted by Australian researchers concluded that a kiss does more than just moving things to the bed. As it offers to relieve from stress, regulates your heartbeat in a better way to make you look younger.

According to a study conducted by Australian researchers, there is quite a lot of health benefits of this sensuous act. But the most helpful benefit of this sensual act is that kissing burns calories in your body as well.

Jaiya Kinzbach, a sexologist from Los Angeles revealed that an intense round of kiss can burn 2-6 calories per minute. The more love you decide to make the more calories you’ll burn.

Certainly, the effects will be much less than what you can achieve by hitting the gym. But still, its more fun and no one would want to skip a session. And here are certain ways you can use to burn more calories by kissing.

Kiss More

Kissing burns calories

Kiss more often burn more calories, after all now you have an excuse to make more love. Try to kiss 3-4 times each day as sensual kiss involves more than 30 facial muscles.

Do It Passionately

Kissing burns calories

As already mentioned, knee-jerking passionate kiss burns more calories. Get involved in heated action of kissing with more passion, don’t just stand still, move around and push each other for dominance. As it’ll burn furthermore calories.

In Conclusion:

Although kissing burns calories but it is not enough, you can’t solely rely on it to lose weight. But it is a good way to burn extra calories along with your workout routine.

You don’t have to worry about cheat meals as you know you can take care of those extra calories with a kiss.

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