
Karwa Chauth: Decoding The Traditional Festival

If you are reading this then the chances are that you might be fasting for Karwa Chauth or accompanying your wife/Girlfriend/Partner (kudos for that). The word instantly brings to mind the picture of traditionally dress women fasting for longevity of life of there husband.


The traditional part of the festival is something which we have all seen growing up. However, nobody might have ever helped you explore the reasoning behind it all.


Not to worry as keeping in with our habit of delivering infotainment to you we bring to you a holistic look at the festival. A look at Karwa Chauth that would help you decode it all. Just check it out.

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The Etymology

The word “Karwa Chauth” itself has a meaning. Don’t know whether you are aware of it or not the word is a mixture of two words “Karwa” meaning earthen pot (“Matka” as we say) and Chauth meaning fourth in Hindi.


Chauth signifies the fourth day of the dark-fortnight, or Krishna paksha, of the month of Kartik. The day on which the festival of Karwa Chauth is celebrated.

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North Connect Of The Festival

If you have ever spent the period of Karwa Chauth outside northern India, then you would know that there are no festivities or celebrations associated with it down south.


As per a hypothesis since the men from north and north-western part of India were mostly engaged in military and police services there wives use to pray for the longevity of there husband. Also since the time around Karwa Chauth is the beginning of the sowing season for Rabi crop the prayers are also done for good crop.

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The Science At Work

The science of fasting says that it helps detoxify the body and cleanses you from inside. Further, it helps in fast healing of the body due to effective protein synthesis.


However the scientific connect of wife’s fast to husband’s longevity is something that you might rarely find answered logically. As per recent researches, the connection between the two can be spelled out.

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Researches say that fasting by women increases reproductive longevity and lifespan. The increased reproductive longevity among women enhances the chances for sexual activity in the married life. Higher sexual activity has a positive effect on men’s health increasing life expectancy.

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Found this interesting right? Well, if yes then I would say my hard work paid off. Hope you liked this holistic approach of decoding the popular festival. If you liked it then don’t forget to share it with your loved ones.

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