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Is Peanut Butter Actually Healthy? 11 Reasons That Proves It Is!

When you get hunger pangs at midnight, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches come to your rescue as saviors.

The taste is great and the peanuts add a crunch to old boring butter. However, people still debate over the fact and ask if peanut butter is healthy. Let’s start by learning what are the constituents of peanut butter.

What does peanut butter contain?

is peanut butter healthy

Peanut butter is full of several essential things that your body requires.

Two tablespoons of peanut butter contain over 188 calories, 8 gm of protein, 16 gm of fat and 6 gm of carbohydrates. It has high-calorie content and also has an abundance of essential vitamins and minerals like –  magnesium, potassium, and zinc.

A home-made peanut butter essentially contains just peanuts in a paste form. They are roasted and grounded into a smooth paste with bits of peanuts in between. So, if you are a fitness lover, you can choose to make it yourself at home. However, when it comes to store-bought peanut butter, it may contain sugar, vegetable oils, and even trans fat.

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Yes, peanut butter is healthy

Apart from being revered as the superfoods of gym freaks, peanut butter has the reputation of being a little on the sweet side of everything, even when it comes to health benefits. It has a sweet taste and does really sweet things to your body. Here are the best reasons why you should eat peanut butter-

1.  Keeps up energy levels

is peanut butter healthy

Packed with calories and fats, fiber along with protein,  peanut butter stabilizes your insulin levels. Additionally, it keeps your energy levels up and also maintains a constant supply of it. You will feel pumped up and have more concentration at work because you are not having hunger pangs.

2. Good source of fat

is peanut butter healthy

For those who are trying to gain some muscle weight, peanut butter can be an excellent option. As it contains good fat, it allows a smooth build-up of muscles. It does not store extra fat around your tummy, thereby helping you gain weight.

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3. Helps you shed weight

is peanut butter healthy

Peanut butter is magical as it doesn’t just help you gain muscle weight but also shed those extra pounds if used judiciously. Its as simple that if you want to lose weight, add peanut butter in your diet and avoid any other sugar supplement with your beverages.

4. Fights off the risk of diabetes

is peanut butter healthy

It is a good option to switch on if you want to reduce the risk of type II diabetes by almost 30%. This is because it contains unsaturated fat which helps in keeping a check on the insulin activity, in turn lowering down the absorption of glucose. However, don’t eat it in large quantities as store-bought peanut butter contains added sugar.

5. No gallstones for you

is peanut butter healthy

Gall bladder stones are deadly which is usually caused due to being overweight or sometimes because of crash diets. Certain types of cholesterol drugs and even birth control pills lead to gall stones. However, eating peanut butter regularly might help reduce the risk of gallstones.

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6. Rich in anti-oxidants

is peanut butter healthy

Apart from helping build your bones and muscles, peanut butter is also super rich in antioxidants. This helps your blood to detoxify and eliminate any kind of toxins. Your skin is blemish free and glowing with regular consumption of peanut butter.

7. Builds your muscles

is peanut butter healthy

This butter proves to be a good source of protein that concentrates on the build-up of muscles. So, without gaining fat, your muscles will grow and shape up naturally. This will also be beneficial if you are trying to put up weight.

8. Prevents risk of Cancer

is peanut butter healthy

Peanut butter is known to provide protection against cancer. Especially when it comes to breast cancer. Doctors also suggest peanut butter to those who are suffering from cancer so that they can be strong from within to fight off the disease.

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9. Block Alzheimer’s Disease and Memory Impairment

is peanut butter healthy

Peanut is a rich source of niacin that helps make your brain stronger.  A study concluded that people who get the most niacin from food items were 70 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease. Peanuts are one of the best foods rich in niacin.

10. Good Source of Vitamins

is peanut butter healthy

Peanut butter contains the necessary vitamins and minerals which are good for your bodily function. Vitamin A found in this butter helps eyesight, while vitamin C helps boost the immune system. It also heals simple ulcers much faster than any other food or medication.

11. High in Potassium

is peanut butter healthy

Peanut butter has a lot of potassium content, which is approximately 70 mg per 100 grams. This allows your heart to be strong and function in a much better way. It is one of the best sources of potassium and now you have one other answer for, ‘Is peanut butter healthy’?

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How to buy the best Peanut Butter?

Read the label carefully. Choose a natural and organic peanut butter which contains no hydrogenated fats and sugar.  You can also go for peanut butter that contains only peanuts and salt. Double check and find if they contain additives. Refrigerate the butter for longer use and turn it upside down so the peanut oils and solids can re-mix when you take it out for use.

Make peanut butter a part of your daily diet! 

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