IndiaViral News

India Working With Romania For Ukraine Evacuations Now

Two Air India flights might be leaving today evening for Bucharest Romania to bring back Indians that are currently stranded on Ukraine Romania border. The sources of Times of India said, “The situation is very dynamic. Bringing back Indians safely from Ukraine is a key priority of the government and this being monitored at the highest level by Prime Minister Modi. Every possible attempt is being made.”

Air India has secured two Boeing 787 aircrafts with crew and a support staff consisting of engineers and security personnel. Indian government is also making arrangements to reach to Indian citizens that are stranded on Ukraine Romania border. The government wants to reach citizens and safely bring them to Bucharest.

The TOI sources said, “The situation on the ground and in the region is fluid. As soon as everything required, including all needed overflying permissions, fall in place, the planes will leave.”

Russia attacked Ukraine’s capital Kyiv and destroyed air bases and all civilian flights have been restricted from flying. The only option that Indian Government can see is bringing Indian citizens from Ukraine to neighboring European countries and be brought back home to India. Yesterday on February 24 an Air India flight going to Kyiv had to return due to military operations launched by Russia.

Air India was in constant touch with Government of India for getting updates of ground situation. The situation escalated and deteriorated quickly and the crew was asked to come back to Delhi just after Boeing 787 entered airspace of Iran from Pakistan. This was the second Air India flight that had to fly back in a failed attempt to evacuate Indians from Ukraine. Many Indian students have left Ukraine by February 15 if they were not required to stay in the campus essentially.

But thousands of final year students who were asked by the University to stay had got stranded in havoc of military operations that have been launched by Russia against Ukraine. Students are also using twitter to get their voices heard directly to the government. Hope Ministry of External Affairs will make safe arrangements to bring our bright minds home in good health.

Also read:

PM Appeals To Russia To Stop The Violence in Ukraine

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Siddhant Baranwal

Siddhant is a Content Creator. He has been doing this for past three years and have managed to gain good attention of audiences for his work. He is an active reader and has huge respect for art and theatre.

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