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Featuring India As The Baap Of Pakistan In World Cup, Star Sports Has Come Up With Their New Mauka Mauka Ad

Yesterday, Indian received a spectacular win against Australia. This is the second consecutive win of India in this Cricket world cup 2019. With the help of amazing openers, India was able to give a target of 352. Fans enjoyed the match thoroughly.

Next India is going to face Newzeland on June 13. But more than India vs Newzeland, everyone including fans and ICC broadcasters, are excited about the upcoming Indian vs Pakistan match, which will be played on June 16, at Manchester.

And one good thing for fans, the “Mauka Mauka” ad is back before India vs Pakistan match. Going viral on the internet, it is the best cricket world cup ad, according to the fans. Featuring India as the Baap (father) of Pakistan cricket team, this is how Star Sports decided to celebrate International Father’s day, which happened to fall on the same date, June 16.

With just a week to go, fans are awaiting the World Cup clash between the Asian giants.

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Here is the ad for you

India and Pakistan cricket teams are fighting a legendary cricket war, with the 6-0 record India has over their arch-rivals Pakistan in the World Cups. And this gives rise to a promo video titled ‘Mauka Mauka’ which instantly went viral on the internet.

To make it more interesting ICC CWC 2019 official broadcasters Star Sports has incorporated the theme of International Father’s Day with the mauka mauka promo. The ad video portrays Vikas Malhotra, the actor who gained popularity due to the mauka mauka videos, playing as the Pakistani fans son whose father kept waiting for Pakistan to beat the Indian cricket team in a World Cup match.

Malhotra (who is playing the son of Pakistani fan), is seen telling the Bangladeshi fan that “one should keep trying.” He says to the Bangladesh cricket fan wearing the Bangla tigers jersey, that his father had advised him to keep trying and never give up.

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That’s when the entry of rhetorical punches came in as Indian fan said, “Hey, when did I (your father) told you this?” At first, the Pakistani fan doesn’t get the jibe (the baap joke) and replied “Not you, my Abbu (father) told me” but then he stops immediately as he understands that it was a jibe by the Indian fan.

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In Conclusion

Stadiums are full, not just Indian and Pakistan but all the cricket fans love to see these two Asian giants facing each other in the cricket field. Till now India and Pakistan have faced each other a total of six times in the world cups. First time both teams were against each other in 1992, 1996, 1999, 2003, 2011 and 2015 edition.

All the six times, India was able to beat their arch nemesis Pakistan in ICC’s events. Both the teams will face each other for the seventh time on June 16.

So, are you excited? Tell us if you enjoyed the ad.

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